Chapter 5

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"So I feel like me and you-"

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"So I feel like me and you-"

"You and I."

Shut up, you annoying prick, and let me finish my statement.

"Sorry," I say in a snappish way. "You and I got off on the wrong foot, and I would just like to apologize for saying you're a cow."

"You also said I'm built like a flimsy beanstalk, and my personality is just one big ball of smelly shit," he says, stopping and staring at me.

"Well, in my defence, you called me a pipsqueak and made fun of my voice, so I think I am 100% justified," I tell him, staring back at him.

God, he's so hot. Why does his personality have to be so shit?

"Listen here, Harps," I love that nickname. "Me and you-"

"You and I."


He glares at me before continuing his sentence.

"You and I are never going to get along, so don't bother trying to make peace or be friends because I quite frankly do not want to be your friend," he says.

"Well, no one said I wanted to be your friend, you fucking bastard," I say to him. "But I'm not a raging cunt like you, so I was trying to be civil and nice because my parents raised me correctly; clearly yours did not."

He looks at me and lets out a laugh but not in a humorous way. More in an "I'm about to slice your head off" way.

"My parents didn't raise me at all actually because they abandoned me, but thanks for the analysis, Harps," he says and proceeds to walk away from me.

Shit. I need to apologize to him now.

I jog up to him, and he turns his head to look at me before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm so sorry I said that; I had no idea your parents left you," I apologize, but he clearly doesn't want to hear it.

"I don't care," he says and walks faster.

I mean, I have pretty long legs, but Jesus, this kid doesn't walk on the ground; he glides.

I speedwalk to keep up with him, and we walk in silence. It was a nice silence, surprisingly.

We hadn't gotten tagged yet, but I was hoping that if we did get tagged, he would be the one to get tagged because if I have to ride on his back, chances are he's purposefully dropping me on my neck.

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