Chapter Thirteen..

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"Yezun, I have one question to ask? Said shen Wei.

" what it is gege? Ask yezun as he sit on sofa.

"Well! Did you slapped my wife "ask shen Wei staring at his brother then he take a sip of his wine.

" yes! Brother that ungrateful bastard, I want a little fun with him and he deny it so I just punished him "said yezun confidently smiling to his gege.

Shen wei smile" you don't know, what you did? Said his brother still staring.

"what do you mean? Ask yezun confused.

Shen wei signal his guards who came in room with whip "you dare to slap my wife" said shen Wei as he smirk.

"I think you don't know what I did to those who try to Kidnap my yunlan, now what I will do with you "said shen Wei get up and walk toward his brother staying in front of him, he lean closer to his ear then whisper" just a little punishment from me, don't worry it won't hurt "as he went back to his chair and sit their.

" start "he ordered .

His guard first kick on yezun legs to make him kneel on floor then they  held his in air and start beating him with whip till his whole back got stained with blood,he was screaming to stop but no one can do anything.

After total Twenty whips shen Wei signal his guards to stop "go take a doctor" he said to his one guard.

Again he came close to his brother "I'm sorry didi but who ever dare to touch him will loose his or her life" as he go back to his wife.

"just for that lowly man, you punished your own didi, I will not leave you gege and that man too " said yezun to himself.

Doctors came and treat his wounds as he fell asleep.

Yunlan was ready for a book when shen Wei embrace him from behind but this time yunlan shoved him" day after tomorrow will be our last day I want divorce from you, so I can go back to my normal life "said yunlan looking at him emotionless.

Shen wei take a step back" I don't want to give divorce to you, I love you "said shen wei as he came close yunlan stopped him.

Yunlan laughed" love me.... No. No.  No. Mr shen Wei you don't love me it was just a deal between you and me, I can't forget those words when you says I'm just a mere time pass for you, your brother treat me like a concubine and try to rape me when you're not here, you don't expose our relationship in public becoz of you're name in this country "Yunlan calm himself down a little.

" I don't want to give trouble to you Mr shen Wei, when I will left everything will turn normal "said as he smile tears fell from his eyes.

" yunlan please listen to me "said shen Wei as hold yunlan wrist.

" please... Just for these two days let me live peacefully "said yunlan as be sit on chair again.

Shen wei let go yunlan arms and wash out from his room, he take his car keys and went to a bar to fill his empty heart with alcohol.

On other hand yunlan just fell on floor crying his heart out, he as confused, when he said those words he can see broken Wei, he an see how hurt Wei was but why? Did not he think that yunlan  was his just time pass? Then why he hurt this much by just "divorce" word".

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