Chapter Fourteen..

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 shen Wei went to a bar as he drink continuously "I... Like... No.. No.. No.. I love you yunlan" he mumbled as he drink third bottle of alcohol.

On the other hand yunlan was in his kitchen eating to be healthy for his baby as he saw Wei family doctor "Yunlan, you're awake" said ling jing as he sit beside him.

"yes! Dr ling hows you and what are you doing here again ? Ask yunlan as offer juice to ling jing.

"I'm fine yunlan, you also take care of yourself and I'm here cause shen Wei beaten yezun badly " said ling sipping his juice.

Yunlan was shocked" what? but why? "he asked.

" oh! You don't know, he somehow got information that yezun try to misbehave with you and slapped you, so he beaten him for hurting his wife "said ling jing as he get up" oh I have to give him his medicine so I will go now "as he left toward yezun room.

Yunlan is just surprised and sit their as clock rung announcing" It's 11 :00 pm "Yunlan checked his phone no call, no msg, he getting worried for shen wei now.

So grab his wallet and take two umbrella coz he saw on phone storm will came but inside his storm is already going on.

As he went to to find shen Wei in dark valleys, calling him again and again, he went not to far as rain start pouring.

Shen wei walking totally drunken, whole wet head to toe "Yunlan, I love you" reacting again and again walking in the middle of the road as he did not see a car coming on full speed for him.

He about to get hit when someone pulled him and hugged him "what are you doing? Shout yunlan as he hold tightly shen Wei.

Shen wei hugged him back " I love you yunlan "he said again and this time yunlan pulled away shocked more.

Shen wei kneel in front of him and throw that wine bottle away" I love you very much please don't leave me please don't give divorce to me, I will kneel here till you forgive me and be mine please I'm begging you "said shen Wei as tears flowing from his deep almond eyes.

Yunlan was happy and hurt " finally shen Wei confess his love to him "but hurt coz" shen Wei was broken and messed in front of him ".

Yunlan kneel in front of him, he did not sake anything but showed his love as he kissed shen Wei gently and softly and shen Wei kissed back their first Kiss full of love.

As yunlan pulled" I love you too shen Wei, I can't even imagine my life without you... I... Love... You.. So much "he said as he kissed him again.

Despite of totally drunken shen Wei stand up, rain still pouring, he lift yunlan in bridal style as he don't want something to happen yunlan and his baby, he went yunlan old apartment which was near from their.

As he reached, he opened gate by  his right leg and closed it again he placed yunlan gently on bed as he kissed his forehead "today I will saw you my love for you" said shen Wei as his lips met yunlan plump one.

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