Chapter 1 - Walter's Son

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It all started with three loud knocks on the front porch of the Dutch colonial home. The lush green lawn behind it displayed a weatherd "For sale by owner sign."


Inside the home, a tall attractive business woman was at her desk, focused on her dwindling bank balance. She was startled by the loud knock. What is it this time? she uttered to herself, quite irritated. Through the peephole, she observed a short balding gentleman with a huge beak-like nose, well dressed in a suit and tie. He stood as if preparing for military inspection, except that he had this frozen crooked smile. The door creeked as it cracked it opened an inch.

"Good morning madam. My name is Walter Merrick, licensed real estate agent. I can be of great service to you," he stated, in a crisp, confident manner.

"Yeah, do you have a buyer willing to pay the asking price." she snapped in a shrill voice.

"Most likely. That is, I will certainly do my best. I have a number of prospective buyers that are searching for a house such as this. If you have a moment, I would love to take a tour."

Normally the woman would slam the door, irritated with another annoying solicitor, but there was something about this gentleman. The rich smooth voice that boomed from such a man of short stature fascinated her. It reminded her of a crooner, like Frank Sinatra, from the jazz era. As she gazed at the gentleman, she debated.

He was quite polished and debonair, but far from handsome. Yet his flawed features were endearing, Maybe it was his endearing nature, or his twinkling blue eyes, so merry when he smiled, or his smooth sales pitch. Whatever the reason, she felt comfortable. In fact, more than comfortable. It was enough to earn him an open invitation

As he inspected the house, briefcase in hand, she was impressed with his knowledge, trustworthiness and confident manner. She was convinced he could accomplish the task that, as a home owner, aggravated her for so long.

But something strange came over this professional business woman. It caught her off guard. As she sat across from him, reading the fine print, she found it difficult to concentrate. Not only that, she resisted the urge to slip off her pumps and run her nylon pointed toes up and down the gentleman's trousers. Goodness, what has come over me. This diminutive man is a power house of charisma and sex appeal.


And that's how it ended, Walter's first commission that eventually led to his empire. His charm was a powerful tool. He used it to his advantage to build his clientele. Soon he had more business than he could handle as he established himself as a top realtor.

With the knowledge and cash flow he generated as a realtor, he progressed to investing to real estate, purchasing the most exclusive suites, motels and condos in the Lake Palestine area. Within five years Walter established his own management business, Merrick Property Management. He ensured that all employees were treated well. Pay and benefits were excellent, birthdays celebrated, employees recognized, doors open to all employees at all times.

Walter also had the ability to resolve issues on both a personal and professional level. Not only was he a wise old sole and a philosopher, he was also a certified Reiki practitioner. A small private room connected to his office was designated for his practice. Using his Reiki techniques, he had the ability to unblock chakras and transform his clients into a state of equilibrium.

His ability to inspire minds and heal troubled souls earned him the name "Dr. Walt." One patient in need of the Dr.'s help was his son Sheldon.

Sheldon was expected to follow in his Dad's footsteps, and there was every indication that he would try to do just that. A business major at the University of Palestine, Sheldon would often study to the wee hours of the morning to maintain his 2.5 average. Trying to achieve his father's success was a tough act to follow. Nothing came easily to him. Nothing, that is, except his good looks

As a wealthy handsome magnet, Sheldon looked the part. His preppy haircut framed his angular face, strong jawline, and perfectly proportioned features. Like his Dad, Sheldon was a chic magnet, but not because of his charm, far from it. It was the fact that he was Walter's son and also because of his bed room eyes . His eyes were a rare shade of golden brown, very piercing, eyes that at times appeared to be on fire.

For he was a rebel on fire. His rebellious nature defied his pristine façade, like a jack in the box waiting to emerge. Until then, he went through the motions playing the role of Walter's son.

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