💭No.6 x Reader: Sleep 💭

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Definitely not requested! I was waiting for No.6 to make their appearance for a while now, but. . .
I apologize for my sudden outburst but in all due respect, he is very good looking.
Also I love how Mitsubsa literal goes to the meetings since he's now mystery No.3 and he's so confused XD

(No.6's POV.)

He hated it. Every time he held something that was alive it would wither away in his hands. Shrivel up and die. He loathe it. He didn't always hate it. No, it didn't really seem to be much of a problem to him at first. He just started to hate it recently. His reason?


It's stupid. Hating his hands because he can't touch you. Hold your hand. Play with your presumably soft (h/c) hair. Hug you. When these thoughts came to him he would get infuriated and let out a small growl before walking away to find something he can release his anger out on.

You however didn't seem to mind and he loved that about you. You would always glance at his hands in fascination. The black fur and sharp claws made you stare in awe. The rare chance he got to touch you without causing you any harm he would cherish. How your skin was soft and how squishy your cheeks were. (He had momentarily forgotten about what his hands could do and had started poking your cheeks to get your attention). The one time he held you, you felt yourself getting weak and you had to tell him to let go. He felt terrible seeing you cough and try to get your energy back. It took him a week maybe two to be able to look at you without feeling ashamed.

He refused to touch you in fear of harming you again but did that stop you from giving him affection? No, no it did not. You would always give him hugs and he loved it greatly. Though he would have to stop his arms from wrapping around your small frame.

You loved to play with his horns and it was quite funny to him. Out of everything you love doing with him, playing with his horns was your favorite! Besides listening to him play the flute (which greatly worried him).
Playing with my horns. Who would've thought. Every time we would see each other, you had to play with my horns. He smiles underneath his mask at that and gave out a silent chuckle.


Every time he gave you flowers you cherished them until they died. You were very loving. Very caring. Very forgiving. He still looks back at how you two met and a twinge of regret feels him. Regret for not helping immediately.

Regret for letting them take your friend for a moment. It was normal. He had only stepped in when he saw you offer yourself instead. A selfless act that made him deeply intrigued.  He knew what they were like though so he had made his presence known by killing them in front of you and your now unconscious friend.

You weren't scared of him which further intrigued him. You instead grabbed your friend and flashed him a smile. "Thank you." Your voice was so angelic. He only tilted his head to the side before speaking.

"You both seem delicious."

A awkward silence filled the air before the sound of your laughter fills it. That confused him greatly. The tears that fell from your face was scarred into his mind. He never wanted to see you like that ever again.


He frowns at the memory before looking down at your sleeping form. You looked so peaceful laying in the bed of flowers he had for you in the canoe. He hadn't excepted to you sleep in them but you always found a way to surprise him. Hell, you managed to fall asleep in a canoe. He looks around his boundary as he paddle forward. Scanning the areas around the two of with you a smile on his face.

"There it is. . ." He mumbled and began paddling towards the land. It was peaceful. The only sounds present were from the water and the soft snores that came from you. As the canoe reached the shore line he glanced down at your sleeping form and froze. He stepped off the canoe and onto the deck as he stared down at your form.

You were awake when you got into the canoe but now you're asleep. Should he risk it? He didn't want to wake you up so he crouched down and began to reach out for you. He noticed his arms shaking slightly as his hands were hovering over your form. He softly scooped you up before standing up and carrying you bridal style.

He hurried to the spot where he had plan to show you. He felt you snuggle closer to him and he smiled. Making it up to the sakura tree he placed you down softly and froze when he didn't see your chest rise. When it did he let out a sigh of relief and collapsed next to you.

He removed his mask and sat against the tree. You didn't need to be awake for him to enjoy his time with you. Your presence just makes him happy. He closed his eyes as he sat there with you curled up next to him. Pulling out his flute he began to play. The sweet tune filled the air and you cracked your eyes open, not a lot just a bit. He stopped and lowered his arms.

"Don't stop. . ." You mumbled tiredly as your hand reached out for his sleeve. His dark eyes gazed down at your tired form before he gave you a smile. He placed his flute down and shook his head.

"No," he said as he saw your half-lidded (e/c) eyes glare at him. He knew it was just from the tiredness so he couldn't help but chuckle. He grabbed you and laid you gently on top of him. Your tired eyes shot open and a blush made its way onto your face.

"Wha. . . Wha. . .?" You questioned tiredly. He shushed you and began humming.
"Sleep," he whispered as he placed his arms by his side. You nodded and got comfortable before being lulled to sleep by his humming.

. . . Watch this all be all wrong when we get more chapters-
I started getting tired and so I rushed it then got to the point where I was wide awake and continued so. . . It's somewhat shitty. . . ?
Eh, who cares. I had a cute idea and I decided to write it. (I say this as I pray I'm not completely off from the manga)
Also, why is meh boy Akane so underrated!? He's so precious-

I hope you guys enjoyed this!!!!

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