• 18. PHONE CALL •

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"Jin, what do you think our baby's gender? Me, I wanted a girl. I hope it's a girl. But a baby boy is fine though."

They were in their bed. It's Saturday evening. Taehyun was already in his own room fast asleep. Jin and Taehyung is just laying in their room since it's still 8pm. A bit early for them to sleep. Jin doesn't want to do anything but lay in bed so Taehyung joins him.

"Me too. I don't want to guess. I want us to be surprised. I'm excited about this baby." Jin said. He placed his hands on his belly just above Taehyung's hands. Taehyung leaned down and placed his ears close to Jin's womb.

"Hey baby, it's me, your Daddy. I'm excited to see you." Taehyung's eyes sparkles while talking to their unborn child. Jin shares his excitement and smiles at Taehyung. His fingers were playing with some of Taehyung's hair as they savor the moment.

"Don't be too picky okay? We will look for what you want. Just don't make us look for the impossible just like your brother, understood? You shouldn't look for a purple pineapple just because you saw a picture of it okay?" Taehyung said while chuckling.

The only hard time he had when Jin was pregnant with Taehyun was he when he looked for a purple pineapple. Him and Jungkook almost want to die looking for it. Jungkook even tried baking a cake and carve it to be a pineapple but nothing worked. Jin just growled at them and gave them a death glare. Good thing he pitied Jungkook when he cried because he's too tired and he can't sleep thinking where in the world can he find a purple pineapple.

"Stop that Taehyung! I know that look! Stop remembering that times. I was so ashamed of Jungkook whenever I remember that. I can't believe I really thought that it's possible to have that kind of fruit."

Taehyung got up. He fixed his position and spooned Seokjin.

"No worries. You're adorable and Jungkook loves you like a brother. It's nothing."

Jin nodded. He knows. Jungkook had been Taehyung's companion that times when he's pregnant. He would wake up in the middle of the night to come with Taehyung and look for what he wants. He even lived in their house for a few months because Jin wants to see his face everyday.

Taehyung felt Seokjin yawn.

"Sleepy?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah. I'll be grocery shopping tomorrow. You go with Taehyun to visit your parents. I'll go there after I finished buying what we need." Jin said.

"Can we just do it all together? We, me and Taehyun will go with you grocery shopping and we will go straight to my parents house. We can't be confident to leave you alone."

Jin faced him and touched his face.

"I am with the bodyguard you hired. I won't be harmed okay. Besides, Mom wants you there early. I don't want her to wait."Taehyung knew that Jin can't be persuaded so he just nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't worry. Come on, let's sleep. My eyes are closing on it's own."

Jin closed his eyes and slept.

"Goodnight, I love you!"


Next Morning ...

"See you there! I'll text you when I'm on my way."

Jin waved goodbye at them and rode his car. Taehyung signalled the bodyguard that he asked to come with Seokjin to make sure that he would look out for his husband.

"Daddy, is Appa going on a date with that mister?" Taehyun asked him while tugging at his hands. He even pointed at the car that had just left them.

"He can't marry one more guy! You are already my Daddy! I don't want another Daddy! What's happening? Why are you selling my Appa to that man!" The boy almost cried while saying those words. But that question from Taehyun gave him a little brighter mood and he chuckled. He lifted his kid up and talked to him.

"No baby, that is Appa's bodyguard." He answered and walked to their car to go to his parents house.

"What's that? He will guard Appa's body? Why?"

While looking at their kid, Taehyung can see how both Taehyun and Jin are alike. He may have his face but surely his personality is a mirror of Jin's. In short, he is adorable.

"Well, it could be like that in some ways. He will be with Appa -"


Taehyung's driver who is also listening to their conversation laughed at them too. Taehyung, on the other hand, can't hide the smile that appears on his face.

"No, let Daddy finish first, okay?" He asked. Taehyun nodded. "Daddy asked the man you saw to keep Appa safe. Do you want someone to harm your Appa?"

The kid shook his head.

"See? Daddy doesn't want that too so I asked that man to keep Appa safe. Understood?"

"Yes Daddy. But Daddy ... You have enough money right?" Taehyun asked.

Though bewildered, Taehyung nodded his yead.

"If so, can you hire a lot of bodyguards to bodyguard all people? Can you do that?" Taehyun pasued for a while. "But if you do that, then everyone would be everyone's bodyguard. How will that happen? Hmm, nevermind Daddy. I'll think first."

He ruffled Taehyun's hair and let him think. He looks so cute while his lips slightly pouts just like his Appa.

Speaking of Jin, Taehyung checked his phone and saw not one message of Jin. He shoot him a text asking him how he is and put his phone back on his pocket.

They reached their destination and Taehyung's parents greeted him.

"Hey baby boy! How are you!" His Dad greeted.

"Grandpa! I missed you!" Taehyun ran to his grandfather and gave him lots of kisses.

Taehyung was all smiles when he felt his Mom carrying him to the kitchen.

"What is it Mom?" He asked.

"I just wanted to know if Jin is okay? Where is he?" She asked with a bit of worry. Maybe because Taehyung informed them about Jin's stalker. They also became worried.

"He is in the grocery. Don't worry Mom, I have a body guard that is with him."

"Are you really sure he's okay? I mean, call him now."

She paced back and forth. Her arms were crossed. Taehyung can't understand what is happening to his mother but he is surely becoming anxious too.

"Mom, what's happening?"

"I'll tell you about it later. Just call him! Dammit!" She said with a high voice.

But before he can call Jin, Jin already called him.

"Mom, he's okay. See, ..." He showed his mother his phone. She seemed relieved but she still wanted to make sure.

"Lemme hear his voice."

He tapped on the answer button and put him on speaker.

"Hey babe, where are you?"

The other line took a couple of seconds to speak.


"Mr. Kim, this is you right? Husband of Mr. Kim Seokjin?"

Taehyung looked at his mother with horror.

"Y-yes. Why?" He tried his best to calm down.

"Please go to Seoul Hospital. He is here in the E.R."

PURELY TAINTED: AFTER MARRIAGE ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now