Chapter one

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*sitting waiting in the office at work after being pulled into an emergency meeting.
There's 4 of us in today and when our manager walks in I can tell by the look on her face this is not going to be good news. She explains the funding situation and the new structure, "I'm so so sorry girls but your jobs aren't in the new structure" she said close to tears. She is a great manager and I could see how hard it was for her to tell us this news but that didn't stop my feelings spilling out, tears started to fall and I felt my manager pull me into a hug. "You're a great worker, it's been a pleasure working with you these last 5 years and I'm certain you will go onto bigger and better things - I can help you with anything you need, applications, interview techniques just ask"
I pulled myself together along with the others "come on girls we've got 2 months left here let's make the most of it, we've a good team here let's have some fun" I said pulling them into a group hug.
Setting off home I text my friend "hey Law, bad day @ work fancy a drink?" I couldn't face going home and sitting alone worrying right now, I needed a drink and someone to talk to. *beep beep* the reply came within seconds "sure, usual place 5 mins?"
When I walked into the pub Law was already sat at the table in the corner, she stood and hugged me as soon as I reached the table "if you wanna talk about it I'm all ears, and if you wanna forget about today I have cocktails at the ready" she laughed pointing at the drinks on the table.
We spent the next 2 hours talking about everything .. Well maybe 10 minutes of me explaining about my job and 2 hours drinking lots and "forgetting our worries for the day" as Law put it.

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