Chapter fifteen

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Law made her way back to Marie "omg guess what??" Marie said excitedly. "Jay's perfect?" Law laughed. "Yeh we know you may have mentioned it before" she joked.
Marie playfully hit her arm, "well yeh he is but look, I have an email address for the one and only Ben" she said.
"Are you serious, that's great, have you told Kay?" Law asked. "Not yet, not had chance. I'll text her it now, it should be a welcome distraction from the interview stress" Marie said. "I'm sorry, Jay's not got any contact for Mark yet"
"Oh don't worry about that, I'm just so glad you found Ben for Kay, she needs some good news. Go on text her" Law urged.

*back at the apartment*
I was feeling pretty nervous about the interview tomorrow but I felt like I was as prepared as anyone could be. I decided to catch up on some tv shows I'd missed the last few weeks, starting with 'the vampire diaries' if anything could take my mind off work worries and the mystery man from the party it was the Salvatore brothers. I'd got about half way through the show when my phone beeped. It was a text from Marie. "hey you, how's your night going? We are missing you but have some exciting things to tell you 😉"
I smiled wondering what they'd been getting up to, I text back "can't believe I'm missing the fun, this interview better b worth it lol. can't wait to hear all about these exciting things when u get back, dread to think what you've been upto 😉"
I got a text back with just an email address which I didn't recognise, I put my phone down assuming she must have sent it to the wrong person by mistake. I was just about to un-pause the tv when my phone beeped again, "that's Ben's email address, in case you were wondering - yes I do have the best boyfriend ever and You're Welcome 😃 have fun!! Xx"
I couldn't believe what I'd just read, was she serious is this really the Ben from the party?! I turned the tv off, I couldn't concentrate on that now. All I could think about was Ben, the way he looked at me, the way he made me laugh, the way he smelt. I kept looking at the email address, I even opened up a new email and put his address in but that was as far as I got. I put the phone down and picked it back up at least 10 times over the next half an hour. What was I supposed to say?! I'd just picked it back up and began... 'Hi Ben....' then my phone beeped, it was a text from Law "Hey hun, u spoke to Mr Hottie yet? xx" I replied "not yet, was just bout to but dunno what 2 say lol"
"Send him the address n tell him to get his sexy butt round there asap n finish what he started 😉" typical Law reply I thought and giggled to myself as I replied "thanks 4 your help, so simple - now why didn't I think of that haha xx" "now go enjoy the party, I'll let u know what's said if anything when u get home"

I got back to the email, I deleted the hi ben, it sounded wrong. I eventually ended up with
Not sure you'll remember me, its Kay. I met you at the masquerade ball last week. I hope you don't mind but a friend gave me this email since we never managed to exchange numbers. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for keeping me company at the party and helping me forget any worries, I had a great time (well until the alarms lol) Hope I didn't bore you too much with the job talk, maybe we can chat again soon?
Love Kay"
Ooo no scrap the love bit, he might take it the wrong way and think I'm a bit of a stalker... "from Kay"
I read and re-read the email, it sounds so lame I thought, but I don't know what else to say. I debated whether to send it or not for another 15 minutes before finally deciding "what do I have to lose?" I hit send, it was done.
Oh my god what have I done? What if he thinks I'm crazy getting his email, what if he didn't want to see me? What if... what if.. I couldn't help worry slightly but it was done now.. nothing I could do but wait.

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