1. Spend more time with people I truly love. 💖
2. Talk to my friend about her not respecting me.
3. Think before getting angry. 💭
4. Worry less.
5. Maintain a positive attitude.
6. Have better self care 💇💅
7. Meditate.
8. Work on getting a job.
9. Get my permit ( I should've got a year and a half ago)
10. Keep my house cleaner.
11. Help my mom more often.
12. Don't have any F's
13. Put more music on my phone.
14. Write more, paint more.
15. Help people.
16. Eat better. 🍎🍍
17. Stay off Facebook a little bit more.
18. Talk to my sister more.
19. Walk when it's not too cold.
20. Keep growing my hair.
21. Work towards buying a laptop and wifi at the house.
22. Homework always comes first.
23. Be more kind.
24. Pay attention in class.
25. Help out around the house.
26. Treat the dog better.