Saoirse - Chapter 2

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Hey, I've had half of this chapted for a while now and I recently decided to write the next part and upload it since I can't update my other stories (broken laptop and a bit of mind block) I decided I might as well update this one! Thanks for reading, any comments are always appreciated. By the way, I'm sorry if my grammar or anything is a little bit off, I haven't written in a while!

'He's gone hasn't he?' Jez muttered, mainly to herself then me. I took a moment to compose myself before turning back to her.

'We don't know that,' I said gently, laying what I hoped was a comforting hand on her shoulder. It was true, we didn't know. Somehow that didn't seem to quell the sinking feeling settling in my stomach. She didn't answer. Instead she turned to face the wall, attempting to hide the tears that were now falling thick and fast down her cheeks. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I couldn't do this. I felt like crying too. I could just as easily have broken down right there, on the spot. But then, who was there to comfort me?

 Taking a deep, steadying breath, I waited a few moments, more to give Jez time to calm down then anything, then reached out and grasped her firmly by her shoulders.

'Listen to me Jez. No, listen. I hate this just as much as you. How could I not? But we have to try to be strong.' I began, growing more aware with every passing moment I sounded like the lead in a very bad superhero movie.

'Nothing has happened to us so far,' Kidnapping aside. 'And we don't know for sure if anything will ever happen. For all we know this could all be some...some huge misunderstanding!' I improvised wildly, knowing full well that that was not the case. 'All I'm trying to say is, we have to be strong. Crying is not going to get us out of here Jez.'

'I know...' She sniffled, swiping at her eyes, having listened to my little rant with a knowing look, as though she had realised it was coming. Then all of a sudden she grabbed me in what I later referred to as the tightest hug on earth.

 After we'd both recovered from out emotional outbursts, and the throbbing in my ribs had begun to subside after Jez's monster squeeze, we devised, what seemed at the time, like a good plan.

'Ok, just remember, I'll be in the END stall, the EN-' Jez began in a whisper, poised in the process of sliding the peep hole open. At some point throughout the morning our very own body guards, Maria and Tom, had reappeared to fill their stations outside our cell, sorry, room.

'I know, I know. Let's just do this.' I hissed back, fluffing the stifling pile of blankets on top of me and slouching into what hopefully looked like a sleeping position.

'Ok, ok. Here we go.' She muttered, taking a deep breath. I gave her a double thumbs up, which she returned half heartedly before making 'shhh'ing motions with her hands. I obliged, sticking to my part of the plan, sinking further down into the covers, I shut my eyes and allowed my body to relax, even letting my jaw slack a little for added effect. Hearing the slightly muffled sound of Jez sliding open the peep hole, I tried to remain as still as possible, taking deep steady breaths. It took a few moments before the sound of the dull steel lock scraping open echoed through the dusty room. Seconds later, the lock was slid shut again, and I snapped my eyes open, swinging my legs off of the bed. Jez had gone. Urgently needed the toilet, she'd told them. They assumed by 'urgent' she's meant it was her time of the month. Now it was my turn. I allowed a few minutes to tick by, absently scratching another groove into the crumbling granite wall, before checking my smeared reflection in the mirror. Not exactly the picture of health these days, but fortunately, that was going to go in my favour. After giving my cheeks a firm pinch to add a little colour, I was ready to go. Don't worry Jez, I thought. I'm coming, and we're getting out of here. One way or another.

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