Chapter Three | I Hate To Be The Bearer Of Good News

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We arrived in New Haven about two hours later. I recognized a few streets and shops from walking through the city but still found myself enjoying the small stores and streets that we didn't have in London.

We drove through the town for a few more minutes before Dylan stopped at the side of the road. From the looks of it, we were in a populated area of the town. There was a small fabric shop, an antiquities store, a vintage clothing shop and a few other clothing stores on the right side of the road. On the other side of the road were a few cafés and a bakery.

'Is that the one?' I asked Dylan as I looked at the bakery. The store's name, Cups and Cakes, was written in a flourishing font on the window's and the outlining of the store was decorated with a soft pink colour, with flowers laying in the windowsill.

'Yes, that's the one.' Dylan answered before he got out of the car. I watched him walk to the other side and waited until he opened my door. 'C'mon.' He said as he helped me shift to the wheelchair again.

'Thanks.' I breathed when I got seated in the chair. My ribs ached from the moving around and I took a deep breath. 'I'm good.' I added when I saw Dylan's worried stare.

He didn't look very convinced but he nodded silently. He closed the car and locked it before he pushed me forward.

I couldn't help but feel nervous as we got closer to the bakery. I wanted to get to know him more, but what if he didn't want that? I shook my head, no I didn't know that. There was no point in being afraid if I didn't know his answer, right?

Dylan opened the door for me and helped me get inside. The smell of freshly baked goods hit my nostrils the moment the door opened and I closed my eyes, breathing it in. There were two other customers inside the store but nobody looked around. The girl behind the counter looked up as we entered and greeted us with a smile while she packed some bread into a bag.

I made sure that I had my head a bit down, so I wouldn't be recognized that easily as I rolled the chair to one of the cases in the counter with muffins and doughnuts. They had a lot of options to choose from and my mouth was already watering from the sight of them.

There were a few vanilla muffins, chocolate muffins and blueberry muffins and also two red velvet that looked to good to eat. The doughnuts were sprinkled with chocolate, coloured sprinkles, some white glazing with chocolate on top of it and one very sugary looking one.

'Can I help you with anything, Sir?' The girl asked. I noticed that she was now standing behind the counter I was looking at.

I smiled at her as I looked up and nodded. I saw the recognition cross over her face and she blushed.

'Your majesty.' She stammered, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed. She then did a small curtsy which made me laugh slightly. People always did that when they met someone from my family

'Yes, you might be able to help me. What's your name, love?' I asked her.

'My name is Drew, Sir.' Her voice wavered a bit when she started speaking and she bit her lip.

'Well Drew, I'd like to speak with either Barbara or Marie, please.' I smiled.

'Yes, of course, Sir.' She answered quickly. 'If you have a moment, I'll go and get Marie for you, Sir.'

'Of course, love. Take your time.' I assured the nervous girl.

She bowed quickly and then left to the back of the store.

'I don't get why you have that effect on those girls.' I heard Dylan chuckle from where he was standing next to the door.

I turned my head to where he was and shook my head with a laugh. 'Because I'm perfect, that's why.' I joked.

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