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Saturday January 25th. Kitzbühel, Austria.

Chloe's nerves were jangling as they exited the hotel to take the short walk to the ski slopes of Kitzbühel. Stepping out into the freezing cold air she heard Seb let out a deep breath beside her, a small cloud of steam forming in front of his mouth as he did so. He looked apprehensive, people were already staring, she could hear their names being mentioned and he took a firm hold of her hand that told her he'd heard them too. So far they'd managed to get through the airport and to the hotel with no interruptions but he was sure that this is where their luck would end. And he was right.

"Over here please Sebastian!"

"Can I have a photo Sebastian!" Out of nowhere a woman appeared at his side holding her phone up in front of them. He felt Chloe let go of his hand and step away, they'd agreed on the short flight over that she was to be in as few photographs as possible when it came to fans taking selfies. However, he knew he could do nothing about the press. "Can I have your wife in it too? Please?" The woman asked while keeping up with his brisk pace.

"No, sorry but thank you for asking." He was grateful that she'd at least asked instead of just trying to get Chloe in the photo too and gave her a hint of a smile that he hoped would be enough for her photo and make her leave. It worked. Chloe returned to his side and he took her hand once again, once he'd put his RayBans on in a futile attempt to stop people from trying to interrupt him.

"It's great to see you recovered Chloe!"

"You're looking great Chloe!"

"Can you both look this way!"

"Over here guys!" More calls were coming thick and fast as they got nearer to where the events were being held and the press were starting to home in on them. Seb was beginning to feel like they being hunted down and was starting to wish he'd asked for a security guy to escort them but then he hadn't wanted to draw attention to themselves by doing so. His eyes were looking everywhere, just in case....... Everyone was a suspect.

"How are you feeling Chloe?" People seemed to be appearing from nowhere.

Chloe lowered her head to look down at the ground letting her hair fall around her to try and shield herself. She could hear multiple cameras clicking away and the scuffling of feet as they got closer to them and she felt Seb tug on her hand to bring her closer to his side.

"Sebastian, can you sign this for me please?" A boy, who was probably no older than about ten, approached them holding a model, replica helmet of Seb's. Immediately they stopped for him, he would never ignore a young fan.

"Sure, what's your name?" Seb took the model helmet and the Sharpie pen he was offered.

"Louis." The boy replied. Seb glanced at Chloe and then smiled before he wrote a message and signed the helmet for Louis. He handed it back to him. "Danke!" Louis looked delighted and ran back to his parents leaving the couple to carry on walking.

"Cute boy." Chloe remarked as Seb took her hand once more.

"Ours will be cuter." He replied quietly.

"You better hope no one can lip read." She gave him a knowing look. With a long jumper covering the top of her new, bigger sized jeans and her coat buttoned up, her tiny bump was well camouflaged and Seb revelled in knowing that their secret was safe for the time being.

"A tiny part of me can't wait for the rumours to start, for people to start wondering and guessing." He mused, the thought of her bump 'breaking cover' temporarily distracting him from looking for danger.

"You mean you can't wait for people to start saying I'm fat." She remarked dryly.

"That's not quite what I meant liebe and you know it." He chided her gently, smiling at her comment.

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