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Monday March 9th. Switzerland.

Seven forty-five, am. Tick tock tick tock tick tock........ As the seconds ticked by and turned into minutes Chloe's anxiety ramped up with every minute that passed. She paced the room, stopping to peer out of every window, whether it faced the long driveway or the large back garden and decked area. She looked at the clock again, seven forty-six, then went to stand at the window, looking out to the driveway, waiting for the first glimpse of the red Ferrari Portofino, waiting for Seb. She looked at the clock once more, seven forty-eight, she was starting to feel tearful as her anxiety collided with her hormones. Where was Seb? At this rate they'd miss their appointment with Doctor Christen and have to try and rebook which could prove difficult in these uncertain times. Or she'd have to go with her mum to accompany her and Seb would have to miss out. Either way her choice was depressing.
"Hey, come on. Chin up, he'll be here." Chrissie came up behind her and patted her shoulder.

"We're not going to make it, we'll miss the appointment." She muttered, trying not to cry.

"You've got a few minutes in hand and he's not that late."

"God knows when we'll be able to rebook with things how they how are."

"They won't stop maternity care, you'll be able to rebook. This virus might well cause issues in everyone's lives but non urgent hospital care will still go on as much as it can."

"I'm being selfish aren't I." She sighed. "All this shit going on and I'm here worrying about a scan."

"What? Don't be silly. You're scan may be routine but you need to see your baby and know that everything is ok and I'm looking forward to finding out if I'm going to have a grandson or a granddaughter."

"All I need is for his or her father to turn up and we'll be able to find out." She turned and looked at the clock again, seven fifty. It was looking more and more likely that they'd miss their appointment. "We're not going to make it." She sniffed, blinking back tears.

"Want me to go with you instead? I'm sure Seb would be ok with it if we went and took his Audi. That way you won't miss your appointment."

"Thanks mum but I really wanted to do this with him." She sighed heavily and walked away from the window, dragging her feet until she plonked herself down on the sofa and hid her face in her hands.

Chrissie wished there was something she could do to make her hormonal daughter feel better but apart from magically making her son-in-law appear there was nothing else she could do. Chloe looked a dejected figure as she sat there with her shoulders heaving up and down as she fought to not give in and cry. While she knew it wasn't Seb's fault entirely, it didn't stop her from being slightly annoyed that he'd stayed an extra day in Italy, especially with how rife the Coronavirus was there and the fact that he'd put himself at serious risk of missing the baby scan. She looked on, feeling helpless as Chloe shook her head sadly and flopped back into the sofa. It was then that familiar throaty growl of the Portofino could be heard followed by the sound of the car skidding to a halt on the gravel.

"He's here!" Chloe jumped up from the sofa. "Oh thank god! Thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you!!" She dashed into the hall, nearly skidding on the wooden floor as she made a bolt for the door. Ignoring that she was out on the gravel with no shoes on she pelted towards Seb who closed the car door and he braced himself, grinning from ear to ear, for his wife's embrace. "Seb!!" She cried as she literally launched herself at him as if she wasn't nineteen weeks pregnant.

"Hey liebe!" He chuckled as she flung herself into his arms, making him stagger back to lean on the car while enveloping her into a huge hug. "Missed me?"

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