Tragedy (part 2)

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"Adriana..." their boss whispered as he turned around in shock at her sudden appearance. She continued to stand there as blood fell to the ground. Jacob gasped in shock and ran to Adriana, lifting her up from her legs. "What's wrong?" he whispered. She said nothing and laid back into his arms, staring at the ground with sudden, lifeless eyes. Jacob gripped her tighter as he began running to the hospital they went to before. The same nurse, now dressed in different colored garb and wore an upstyle afro, approached the two; now on her break. "You're back. What's wrong?" she questioned, rather worried. "I have no idea. We were standing outside of our friend's house and there was a puddle of blood coming from her legs." he explained. "How many months along is she right now?" she asked, grabbing some things from her bag as she began checking Adriana for vital signs. "Reaching the end of her 6th month, going to 7th." he muttered. She nodded and ran over to get a empty hospital bed on the side of the wall. Jacob rested Adriana down onto it and the nurse began pushing her down the hallway to the maternity ward. "Maternity emergency! - she paused to look down at her lap - Heavy bleeding! Almost 7 months of pregnancy!" she yelled. Jacob followed her, running close behind. 


The nurse approached Jacob with a gloomfilled face upon her. He nervously sat in a waiting room chair, awaiting the news. "It is a case of placenta previa..." she explained, generally. "What?" he asked. "Placenta previa. It is a condition where the baby's placenta, which provides oxygen, nutrients, and removes the bad things in a baby's blood, partially or totally covers the opening of the mother's cervix. In order to safely deliver your baby, we will have to either induce labor or give Adriana a C-section to safely deliver your baby. We have to do this procedure since she is bleeding more than the normal case of placenta previa. We needed to see if you are willing to allow us to do this procedure today and have your baby born prematurely." the nurse explained. Jacob began crying for Adriana's and their child's safety. He simply nodded and signed off on some paperwork that was in the nurse's hands. She then ran off to speak with some doctors in Adriana's room who followed up by speaking to the surgeons who have to do the procedure. Jacob's boss then walked into the hospital, and found him. He saw him crying and brought him into a hug. "What was wrong with her?" he asked. Jacob simply looked up with tears in his eyes and sniffed. "It was a case of placenta prevail I think she said. Basically our baby will have to be born early in order to be saved." he explained. His boss, gave a shocked expression, walking to the waiting room and sat down with Jacob next to him. "It will be okay. Know that." he whispered words of encouragement. Jacob smiled at first but began crying again. "We didn't even know the sex of our baby nor did we come up with names. All we did was fight throughout her pregnancy and it ends up like this. This is all my fault...." Jacob muttered below his breath. 


Adriana was safe and so was their healthy baby girl, resting in her incubator in a separate section of the maternity ward for premature babies. Jacob and their boss entered the hospital room that Adriana was sleeping in. Both of them stared at her, sleeping peacefully, bundled up in a couple of blankets. Jacob looked down sweetly upon his love and their boss decided to step out when Adriana's eyes squinted and scrunched. She opened her eyes completely to Jacob tenderly holding her hand. While she appeared sweet and incapable of hurting a fly, the hostility was still there combined with another overwhelming loss that left Jacob in shock as soon as she opened her mouth to "greet him". "Who the fuck are you?" she mouthed.....


WHAT'S UP YOU GUYS!?!? Sorry I haven't updated in a while and I apologize for this not being a long enough update to excuse my absense. Life has gotten pretty hectic lately, especially emotionally, medically, and educationally, so I haven't been able to do much of anything involving my stories at all. Plus, I had the longest writer's block ever when I did find some spare time. I'm sorry again. This week is my Thanksgiving break so I will update as much as I can over this break and the Christmas break. 

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