Part 1

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The last cord of the orchestra reverberated around the room as my foot drove in the floor and my partner caught me as I fell into his arms in the perfect death pose. A second lingered in long silence as we worked to catch our breath. Like wild fire catching a spark the theatre lit in thunderous applause, as partner set me back on my toes and we took our bows. Behind us the company filed onto the stage and we stepped back into our places as the principles took center stage.

Everything in life was perfect. The last year was a whirlwind of activity. First the physical therapy to return the flexibility to my foot and then the private lessons offered by a patron to the company. I moved from second soloist to a first soloist position where I'd received the occasional pas de deux. As I curtsied on the final curtain call, I forced a smile.

"You were wonderful," Jacque said, as he laid his hand against my lower back.

"You were pretty good yourself," I countered. "Thanks for making me look good. I couldn't have done it without you."

"No, you couldn't. It was a pas de deux, you needed me," he said with a false arrogance as we walked towards the wings.


"I know. I think I'll be a comedian when I retire," he said and flashed me a grin.

"You'll have years to practice and you will need them."

"You wound me, mon Cherie."

I laughed and I moved toward my dressing room.

"And here I thought male ballet dancers were strong," I shot over my shoulder.

"We are sensitive, madam," he said in a thick false French accent.

"Yeah, yeah," I returned and pushed open the dressing room door.

Flowers lined almost every square inch of the makeup table. The sight was overwhelming as I stepped over to my station.

"Looks like someone is popular tonight," Christina said from her station across the room. "I mean, you did a wonderful job but your right leg lags and you sit on the back of your platform when you Pirouette. It looks lazy and some of us are much better in that pas de deux. If you weren't sleeping with one of the patrons, you'd still be in the corp."

"You're so sweet. Bless your little heart for taking the time to notice my technique. I'll be sure to mention it in my next private dance lesson. As for the corps, I was a second soloist for two years before you were noticed. Claws in pussy cat, I don't have the time or the energy for them today," I said stepped out of my shoes.

Christina pushed her headphones onto her ears and the faintest sound of rock whispered in the room. With a thankful sigh, I stepped out of my costume and slid into my warmup out fit. A knock on the door interrupted my routine and I stepped to see who wanted to come visit the diva now.

"Good evening, Lexus," the ballet mistress said and smiled at me.

"Good evening. What brings you to the depths of the dressing area after show?" I said as I stepped back and waved her into the room.

"This evening I am only a messenger. Your presence is requested at the after party. The patron responsible for your... upkeep... has requested an audience with you."

"I'm not sleeping them," I said as I walked back to the mirror.

"What you do in your off hours is your concern, so long as you dance at the level I demand when you are here," she said with a smile that told me she didn't believe a word I'd said. "We all decide and chooce things which impact our lives in ways we may not comprehend. Make sure you know all the consequences."

"Such is an impossible task," I said thinking back to more than a year ago and the impact of the experiment on my life.

"True. Your patron is very generous. I'm sure at some point there will be payment," she said with a wry smile. "I'll let them know you'll be up in twenty minutes. Wear the red dress. It is stunning and you want to make a good impression."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied and watched her leave the room in the mirror.

Christina rolled her eyes and I took a deep breath. I'd never met the person behind my good fortune but I'd always guessed it was connected to my time in the experiment. For a year I could pretend it was simply a turn of luck and enjoy the distant attentions of the anonymous patron. Now it was time to pay the piper and I wasn't sure I was at all ready for it as I turned an removed the stage makeup for a more toned-down version. 

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