Part 3

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The walk to the dressing room snapped time back into place and each step was like walking through molasses. All I wanted was to be back in the room where he was and listen to his voice. There was something about him which brought both calm and demanded more. It made little sense and tomorrow I would chastise myself for the decision to accept the ride. Tonight, I wanted to revel in it and hope for the best.

Christina almost ran me over as she exited our dressing room.

"Well, that didn't take long. Did he tell you to get your stuff so he could take you home a fuck?"

"Your immaturity is tiring," I said as I stepped into the room.

"Getting involved with a patron will ruin your heart but it's always good for your career while it lasts," she said with a bitterness of experience.

"Jealous doesn't become you."

"Fuck you," she said as she spun on her heels and headed to the theatre's side entrance.

I gathered my belonging and turned toward the mirror. My dark red hair gleamed under the dressing table spotlight as I critiqued my appearance. The red dress matched my hair perfectly in the light. I stood and stared at the picture before me until his words, in my head, drew me out of my reverie.

With one last glance around the room, I threw everything into my rolling case and made my way back to the lobby. The two men were deep in conversation but turned to me in unison when I approached.

"I thought the depths of the theatre kept you or you'd chosen to find your own ride home," the man said.

I shook my head.

"My dressing room mate had a few things she wanted to say before she took off for the evening," I said and smiled at him.

He gave a slight nod but did not move.

"Shall we?" Dr. McNally said as he motioned to the door.

I nodded and stepped towards the door. Behind me, the roller bag stuttered as a hand covered mine and relieved it from my grip.

We moved as a group to the front door. As we walked off the last step in front of the theatre, a man opened a stretch limousine door and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Thank you, Richard," Dr. McNally said from behind me as he stepped around and slid across the seat.

"Good evening, Miss Davenport," the driver said and held out his hand.

I placed my hand in his and slid into the seat facing backward. Once I was settled, the man slid into the seat next to Dr. McNally and the door closed. A few minutes later, the limousine moved forward into traffic.

"I live..." I started.

"The driver has the address. Relax and enjoy the ride," Dr. McNally said and offered a soft smile.

"How?" I asked, then realization dawned as I realized the information I'd given his organization during the experiment.

"Do you know your patron?" the man asked.

"When I saw Dr. McNally this evening, after I was told I was to be in the lobby after the show, I presumed it was him."

Dr. McNally shook his head.

"I assure you it isn't me. While I quite enjoy the theatre, I do not have the type of wealth necessary to upkeep a ballerina. Especially one of your talent, Lexus."

"Oh. I assumed, based on the generous nature of past... situations... I mean... it only makes sense," I stuttered through the words as my thoughts jumbled.

"You know what they say about assuming- it make an ass out of you and me. Now I look like one for not being able to encourage such a marvelous dancer."

"I didn't mean," I started then stared down at my hands.

"Maybe it is better not to know," the man added. "There's something intriguing in the mystery of anonymity. To being an object molded to perfection for the appreciation of others. Wouldn't you agree, Lexus?"

I nodded.

"You've got me at a disadvantage, as you know my name but I do not know yours."

"Ah. It is the audience who has the power, not the performer. For they know all about you as the spotlight shows them your perfections, flaws and vulnerabilities. While they sit in the darkness. Faceless, nameless and full of expectation. They are the one you work not to disappoint while trying to find the balance of joy in pain within yourself."

His words wrapped around me like a blanket and a boa constrictor. Both giving the efforts of my life work meaning and crashing it against the rocks, in the same breath.

"We've arrived," Dr. McNally announced, breaking the spell.

I blinked and looked out the window as the limousine came to a stop. A few seconds later, the door opened and the driver helped me out of the car.

"It was a pleasure," the man said as he leaned out of the car door.

All I could do was nod, as the driver walked me to the door of my apartment building and handed my bag to me. I punched in to building code and stepped through the door, then made my way up to my apartment. As I pushed through my front door, I realized the man who'd captivated me until time stood still was nameless because I'd never thought to ask. 

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