Sparks Fly

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Hey younglings!

Haha.. i am so tired sorry its been awhile since i uploaded. I have been so busy lately and so sore..... hahahaha anyways here is the next chappie! 

WARNING: this chapter contains romance CAUTION: If you are prone to awwwwing out loud read this in private. 

Good luck,

May the odds be ever in your favor and have a happy hunger games!-NiallsPrincess1198


Bren’s POV

Oh my god. That is just. Honestly. I just can’t even. I like Niall a lot. I have since the first time I saw him 5 years ago. When I have a bad day I would always turn to him to cheer me up. Now that Louis Tomlinson has dared me to kiss him I am torn (tehe).  If I say no, then it might hurt his feelings and make him think that I don’t like him. But if I do then that would be great but what if we don’t feel anything. I really like him I prefer to live in blissful hope that we will feel something. Instead of the actual reality of knowing that it will never happen between us.

I move back into reality. Louis is smirking and Harry is looking at me waiting to see what I do. Zayn and Liam are  having a whispered conversation involving a lot of eyebrow raising and Niall is just sitting there. His face is the color of the trees in autumn. Sort of a rusty red. It looks like he hasn’t blinked since Louis came up with the dare. I shake my head and quickly look at my phone on the nightstand. I reach over and grab it. I check my twitter notifications.

Jacob Rogerson: @Bren_Loves_HazzaBearTurtlePoserandNialler You are insane! Why am I your friend? Haha <3 ya

Ryan Sawyer: @Bren_Loves_HazzaBearTurtlePoserandNialler how are we even related?

I laughed. I love my friend Jacob. He is my best friend and I have been through good and bad times with him and I am so glad I met him.

“Earth to Bren Are you chickening out?” Harry calls. I glare at him and look at Niall.

“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” He says giving me a half-hearted smile.

“You would be my first” I say embarrassed. The boys all gasp.

“You are eighteen and you still haven’t had your first kiss? That is wrong!” Louis yells, in my ear.

“Yea, its not that big of a deal. I just haven’t found the right boy yet.” I say. It sounds stupid even to me.

“So…..We should fix that now.” Harry said his face lighting up.

“Yea we can all be your first kiss you can have 5 in one night.” Louis says. Uhhhh…. I don’t even know how to respond to that.

“OH yea! I am changing my dare! I dare you to kiss all of us! And if you don’t your punishment will be 5 times worse. Muhahahah!!!” Louis cried laughing evilly. Liam straightened and glared at Louis. He was just getting over the break up with Danielle and I didn’t need to be kissing him! Plus Louis and Zayn have girlfriends. This will be so weird. I looked around and sighed. If the video diaries were right there was no way I was  going to get out of this dare. I look at Niall.

“Alright, I accept but I want Niall to go first,” I saying, shaking. My first kiss is a big deal. Kissing Niall Horan is a big deal. Combine the two…well lets say I was shaking so bad and my face was so red I think that Niall was scared I was having a heart attack. He looked me right in the eyes.

“Remember what I said before?” he asked. I was shaking so bad all I could do is nod. He laughed and squeezed my hand. He leaned in close to my face and whispered.

“I feel static. Do you?” he asked. Then he was kissing me. Is it possible to melt? Because if it is that was me. Nialls lips moved in sync with mine. It felt so natural so right. I think this is what a kiss is supposed to feel like. He put his hand on the back of my neck. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip. I shuddered. I felt so many fireworks it was undescribable. Suddenly there was a hand on my chest pushing me away from Niall. I never wanted to stop kissing him. I knew that things were never going to be the same for me. I pulled back, gasping for air. I looked at him.

“Best…….first…….kiss……ever….” I breathed. He leaned his forehead against mine and we just sat there. There was no Niall Horan from One Direction or Bren Sawyer fromNorth Carolina. There was no world there was only Niall and Bren. If there was such a thing as Love at First Sight this was it. Suddenly something or someone landed in Niall’s lap. I gasped and screamed. Louis grabbed me and yelled in my face.

“STOP BEING IN LOVE IN HIM! I LOVE YOU!” He faked anger at me. He threw his arm over his face and buried his face in Niall’s chest. Niall laughed and patted his back.

“HAZZA SHE DONE BROKE MY HEART!” Louis cried. I grabbed his waist and pulled him as best as I could into my lap.

“Oh, Lou you know I love you!” I smiled at him. He smiled back.

“Then you don’t mind I if I do this?” He inquired. Before I could answer he had crashed his lips onto mine. It felt great. I felt like I was floating in space. Nothing mattered. It was just us two. He groaned and pulled me closer. I was in pure bliss. It was the best feeling in the world. We had been kissing for about 9 seconds when I pulled back.

“That was terrible!” Louis cried. “Niall man that girl can’t kiss.” He lied. I know he is lying. Niall laughed and all the guys joined in. He looked me right in the eyes and mouthed did you feel it? I mouthed back yes but it’s a secret. He nodded and laughed along with the guys.

I pecked Liam and Zayn on the lips and then came Harry. He smiled at me and leaned in. I was getting butterflies in my stomach. He hadn’t even kissed me yet. He smirked and kissed me. Louis’ kiss was rough almost. It was like he had wanted to kiss me so bad all this time. Niall’s kiss was sweet, it was gentle but alittle rough and made me feel special. Harry’s kiss was…ummm…something. I felt something but it was strange. It started off gentle and then got rougher. Niall ended up pulling Harry off me. He was starting to sit up and I tried to pull away but he just grabbed the back of my neck and kept me there. Niall reached over and grabbed the neck of Harry’s shirt and pulled him back. He flew back choking. Niall patted him on the back and leaned next to me. He put his arm around me. I snuggled into his armpit.

Life was good. My eyelids were getting heavy. I tried to stay awake but it was so hard. Louis and Zayn and Harry had gotten into a fight about whether Harry and Liam had to sleep in the shower or on the floor. Liam had tried to get them to stop but had given up and was lying on the couch. The 3 angry boys were standing in the bathroom. Liam had finally just locked them in there. They had stopped banging on the door about 25 minutes ago. Niall was singing quietly. It was making it harder for me to stay awake. He looked at me.

“Go to sleep Princess.” He breathed kissing my forehead.

“But I don’t want to.” I said scared.

“Why not?” he asked confused.

“I’m afraid if I go to sleep then I will wake up and this will all have been a dream and bnever happened and then have to go back to my normal life.” I cried. Liam looked up at me and smiled.

“It’s not a dream. I promise” he said before turning back to his phone. What he does on there that is so interesting I will never know.

“Niall will you sleep here with me?” I whispered afraid he would say no.

“What do you think?” he said as he slid down into the covers and pulled my body close to his. Even though I had just met him I felt something click like we were meant for each other. I snuggled into his chest. I fit into his arms perfectly. Like a lock and key. We were perfect for each other.

I just hope he feels the same way…



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