~ Chapter 8: a Day Out ~

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         "Where are you going today, child?" Elderbug asked you as you crept on by, your violin strapped to your back. You only turned your head to him with a soft smile.

         "Oh. Ghost wanted me to meet them at the start of the Crossroads today. They wanted to show me something new." You told him simply. Elderbug stared at you for a while before shrugging.

         "Alright. Stay safe Y/n." He nodded, and you rushed on your way. Heading down the well like you knew how to do. It was a bit harder this time, as one of your hands were full. When your feet touched the ground you opened the bundle in your arms.

         "Come on out. We're in the clear.." You whispered to the creature you held in your arms. A pair of large gray eyes looked up at you with joy, before flying from the blanket and already looking around. Grimmchild let out many chirps of joy. You felt a smile come to your lips as you watched him look around with joy. You assumed Grimmchild had not gotten to see much of the world around him, especially since his father probably just let him out of his sight.

         It made you wonder how Grimm created Grimmchild. Why did he create him? How did he treat him? You knew so little about the strange Troupe Master, but now you were watching over his son. He acted like any little child you, yet was still just a baby as well. You called him back kindly,

         "Grimmy, come here!" Not sure if that was his name or not, but he still returned. Then again, he didn't have a name it seemed since Ghost never spoke. The name Grimmy fit him well, as he rubbed his head against your arm in a loving manner. It warmed your heart to see this as you started walking down the crossroads, tucking the now empty blanket under your arm. "Such a sweet boy you are. We can relax in Greenpath today, I don't think you should have to be hidden all day. You deserve to have some freedom and fun." You spoke to Grimmy and he understood you clearly. Chirping louder and having a pleased expression on his face.

         You kept walking as Grimmy would chirp and make other noises, nothing was wrong as you made the trek you and Ghost had made close to one hundred times now. Though as Grimmy rushed ahead in excitement, you tried to run after him only to be intercepted by another bug. You stopped in fear as you saw the glow of orange in their eyes, a distinct sign of the infection. You started to slowly back away, afraid of angering the mindless zombie of whoever this once was.

         The infected bug let out a cry before charging for you, causing you to scream in fear of your life. Just as it was about to attack you, they collapsed in flames. Grimmy behind them spitting another fireball to finish them off. Even after they died, Grimmy was growling and hissed at their deceased body. You were taken aback by this sudden situation but soon calmed down as Grimmy rushed into your arms. He nuzzled your face and whimpered, looking to see if you were damaged at all.

         "I'm okay… I'm okay." You comforted him, holding him close and gently patting his back. The fact that he cared and he was worried about your safety, it reminded you of how Ghost cared for you. Though Ghost was like a little sibling to you, you didn't exactly know where Grimmy sat yet to you. That didn't stop you from caring about him just as much as you cared for Ghost. You looked around once again before continuing on. "Let's go. Make sure to stay close to me." You warned him as you both walked.


         With no other roadblocks, both you and Grimmy had made it to Greenpath unharmed. The air mildly humid here as the sounds of nature set in. You got to a safe spot where the foliage wasn't too much, laying your blanket down like a picnic blanket. Grimmy curled up on it the instant you laid it out looking up at you with his innocent eyes. You let out a gentle laugh at this, sitting down next to him.

         "It's nice here. Warm and calm… I should have brought lunch with us. I don't know what you eat." You laughed, gently patting his head, as he let out a distinct,


         "Oh, is that so?" You smiled more, enjoying the adorable personality of the Troupe Master's son. It was clear that when he would get older, he would have his father's personality. Whether that was a good or bad thing was something you couldn't tell just yet.

         You removed your hand from Grimmy's head and he began to rest peacefully in the warm light of Greenpath. Light peered through the leaves above in patchy patterns, making things not too bright. It was moments like these where you would completely forget about life. Time would stand still and you thought everything was just a bad dream, like a nightmare. The infection, the death of your whole family, your one-day inevitable doom… It all slipped away when given the ability to step back and listen to the pure land around you.

         After laying for a bit and enjoying nature, you sat up and reached for your violin case. You wanted to capture the moment and how you felt in the best way you knew. Grimmy cracked open his eyes a bit to watch you still enjoying the sun he was getting. You prepared yourself and soon played a gentle sweet melody. Slow, soft, and somber matching the calm day that was around you. It was something different, a feeling of easiness in place of anxiety. You swayed a bit where you sat, and Grimmy copied you where he laid. He then closed his eyes again, using your song as a lullaby to nap to. This was no problem and only kept playing.

         Time passed, and the day was running out. It was going to be dark in an hour, and it would be safe to be home by then. You put your violin in your case, placed it on your back, and scooped up Grimmy in his blanket. Taking home the child you grew a bit fonder to with each passing moment.

I wanted to give a bit more time with Grimmchild (Grimmy) since he just appeared. Don't worry, the real love plotline will happen soon. I just like to have everything set up before I jump into getting into the juicy stuff (okay that sounded bad). I'm just gonna go to bed now. Enjoy your night guys. Ciao!


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