Time of the Month

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3 days later

••Maddie's POV••

I woke up to the sun coming in from
the curtains. I yawned and sat up and quickly ran to the bathroom. I looked in all of the drawers and cabinets in the bathroom and couldn't find a tampon anywhere. Fuck. My. Life.

I used the bathroom and went to find Jason right away. Sure enough, he was asleep. I peeked through his bedroom door and saw him lying in bed shirtless, sleeping peacefully. I lightly knocked and that didn't seem to do anything so i stepped in side.

"Jason.. Jason wake up" I whispered. I didn't want him to get mad at me for waking him up, but it was an emergency. I walked over to the bed and shook him lightly. He turned over and buried his face in the pillow. I shook him a bit harder and he opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jason said in his raspy morning voice.

"I- well- can we go to the store? Please? It's an emergency," i said softly.

"Maddie, what's wrong," he said a little louder this time.

"It's- i got my period okay? I need tampons before blood starts coming out of me like Niagra fucking Falls. So can we go?" I replied, getting quite irritated.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "yea, grab my shorts off the floor over there for me." I did as i was told and he slipped on shorts and a t-shirt with his supras. I was in sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and slippers and i definitely didn't care.

We went to the car and drove to CVS. We went inside and i went to the aisle to get tampons and grabbed a box. Jason went somewhere else in the store and i went to the checkout line. Jason soon joined me with an armful of chocolate, pills for headaches, pills for cramps, and a big fuzzy blanket. I looked at him confused.

"I figured you'd want some of this stuff," Jason said while looking at my confused expression. I nodded and
we put everything on the counter and Jason payed. We got in the car and headed home.

As soon as we got home i ran inside, went to the bathroom, and did what i had to. I went out to the living room and layed on the couch with the fuzzy blanket Jason bought me and curled into a ball. Cramps were killing me. I soon felt my body being lifted and Jason was obviously the one holding me. I wrapped my legs around his torso and put my face in the crook of his neck. I was soon layed down on Jason's bed with him laying beside me.

"Cramps?" Jason mumbled. All i did was nod. His hands soon made their way up the back of my shirt, massaging my back. After a good 10 minutes his arm was wrapped around me rubbing my stomach to hopefully take the pain away. I soon felt small kisses being placed on the back on my neck. I didn't
move a muscle, i just layed there contently. My eyes began to feel heavy and i fell asleep in Jason's arms,
my face in his chest and his arms around me loosely.

I woke up and found myself staring at Jason's perfectly sculpted face taking in every feature. He had no flaws what so ever. No scars, no cuts, no scratches, no bruises, nothing. I moved slightly causing Jason to wake up. He looked at me and flashed me his all too perfect smile. My heart melted just from his smile. His smile alone gave me butterflies. In just these few days i've gotten to know the real Jason. He's not an asshole like i thought. Jason's actually extremely nice, caring, smart, and sincere.

I smiled at him and cuddled closer to Jason. His grip around my waist soon tightened and i felt secure. I felt safe.

"Jase?" I mumbled into his chest.

"Yea Maddie?"

"Has Luke called at all? I kinda wanna talk go him."

He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and dialed Luke's number while handing me the phone.

"What is it Jason." Luke spat as soon as he answered the phone.

"It's Maddie.." I said quietly. I was a bit taken back by the way he answered.

"Sorry.. what's up?" he said a lot nicer now.

"Nothing.. i just miss you," I replied. I felt Jason tense up a bit so i put my hands on his chest to attempt to relax him a bit.

"I miss you too, only 1 more week and i'll be home to see your gorgeous face."

I blushed and smiled, "i just wanted
to check in on you. Be safe Luke, i'll see you soon." He said a quick good bye before hanging up.

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