fluff,,, just disgustingly sweet fluff

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This is another one with jim sorry I love this man I don't make the rules.

I know the last chapter was just hardcore porn so I wanted to post some fluff so u can have the best of both worlds

self titled jim again, definitely not the bondage mask, the jester oh and he still has black hair and black nails

he is very big (no shit he's 6'6) and my main is very tiny so we got a cute height difference going on

The main in this is mute so that's why she doesn't talk but it still turned out cute OKAY

I felt myself dozing off, my head fell into his broad chest and I began to listen to his heartbeat. Fast. I blushed. His hands traveled up my back and wrapped around my body, I did the same, pulling the cuffs of my hoodie sleeves over them before intertwining my fingers behind his back. His chin rested on the top of my head, I smiled into his chest.

"You're sleepy?" He spoke, I nodded in his chest, one of his hands moved up and to my hair, stroking it lightly.

"Really? It's only 9." I nodded again. He sighed and grabbed the sides of my head gently, pulling me out from his chest to look at him. I smiled as I met his.

"If you fall asleep I'll be bored" I smiled and unlaced my fingers, bringing them to his neck. He was so warm, it made me blush harder. Deep red filled my cheeks.

"Do you want a kiss?" He asked, I nodded quickly and waited for him. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips, before pulling away and quickly pecking my cheek. I smiled in return as a "thank you" for the gesture.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, looking up at him. A single strand of black hair fell over his eye, I grabbed it and twirled it between one of my fingers. Not breaking my focus on his eyes. I brushed the strand out of his face and smiled, breaking my gaze to look behind him at the mask on his dresser. I stared for a moment before bringing my focus back to him, he caught on.

"The mask?" I nodded in response, then smiled. Watching a smile creep across his face too.

"You want me to put it on?" I nodded again, feeling him move me off of him and get up to grab it. He sat back down and I moved myself back onto his lap, wrapping my legs around him and taking the mask from his hands.

"You wanna put it on too?" Once again I gave him a nod, feeling his arms grab onto the fabric of my hoodie as I positioned the mask on his face. I pushed his head down so I could fasten the buckles and then watched as he looked back at me. I pulled out the strands of hair stuck under it and smiled.

"Do I look good?" Another nod. He smiled and released his grip, moving both hands to cradle my face. I grabbed onto his wrists as he leaned down to kiss me, before stopping him and unzipping the mouth hole of the mask first.

"Thanks" He pulled me in the last couple inches and our lips collided again. My eyes fluttered shut as he pulled away and pressed my head back down to his chest, I sighed feeling his hand stay firmly against the side of my head as if to keep me there forever.

I brought my hand up to his heart and patted it, letting it linger for a moment. His fingers ran through my hair and I shut my eyes at the touch.

"Can I have another kiss?" He spoke, I leaned up and pulled his face down to mine and placed another kiss on his lips. I could tell he smiled as he moved away even with the mask on.

"Thank you" I nodded and smiled.

"I love you" I buried my face back into his chest and patted his heart again. He chuckled and pulled me to the side, kissing the side of my head and neck. I giggled under him, looking up at his face again. I reached up to poke his nose.

"You like me like this?" He asked. Another nod.

"Really?" Nod. I put my face back into his chest and shut my eyes, feeling him lean back so I was on top of him. I opened my eyes and crawled up him till I was facing him. I ran my fingers through his hair and played with it, leaning down for another kiss and receiving it.

"What if I fucked you in this?" I blushed and nodded, signalling for him to continue speaking.

"You'd like it?" Another nod. He grabbed onto the sides of my face again and pulled me down.

"You wouldn't get scared right?" I shook my head no after the kiss.

"Is that one of your kinks or something?" I blushed and shook my head no again.

"I won't judge" I sighed and watched him start to chuckle.

"I knew it was" I pulled him back down into another kiss to keep him quiet. When I broke away he pulled me back down, our lips colliding again. I reached up and cradled the side of his head with my hand, deepening the kiss, before breaking away and dropping my head into the crook of his neck. My fingers trailed down and grabbed on to the other side of his neck. I turned so my mouth was on his skin.

"You gonna give me hickeys or something?" I raised one of my fingers up to his face.

"Just 1?" I nodded.

"What about more?" I shrugged.

"Do what you want" I nodded and began to kiss the soft skin on his neck. Eventually sucking onto it and leaving little bruises. I moved up to his jaw and continued the trail, stopping once I got to the mask.

"Do you want me to take it off?" I shook my head no, feeling him roll over to look at me, our noses touched.

"Now you gotta do this side" He said, pointing at the side of his neck not covered in bruises. I leaned up and wrapped my arm around his side, bending down and repeating the process of sucking on the skin. I heard little noises come from him the further up his neck I moved. After a while, I reached the mask and had to stop. I leaned up and looked down, running my fingers over the damage I had done.

"You're really good at that" He was a bit out of breath, I flushed pink and nodded, patting his heart again before laying back down next to him.

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