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"AJ!" Clementine called up to him, signalling that it was time to leave. She as still a bit furious with him for watching them, 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣, after she made it clear that he needed to cut that shit out.

"Coming!" He called back.

"So... Uh-" "Never speak of it." Clementine cut Louis off as they walked out the door.

Louis started the car up, and backed out of the driveway. "So have you heard about the party this Saturday?" Louis asked as he adjusted his rear view mirror so he could see AJ. "No. Nobody ever tells me shit anymore." Clementine responded. "Swear." AJ complained. Clementine rolled her eyes, making Louis chuckle slightly.

"What were you and Louis doing this morning?" AJ asked. Louis looked over at his lovers face, shaded with a crimson color."You'll learn when your order." Louis had to answer for her. He winked at her. 'Eyes in the road, not me.' Clementine mouthed to him and slouched down in the passengers seat. "I can't help looking at you. Your... Beautiful." Louis said. Clementine's face flushed with red.

They made it to AJ's school, and parked in an open parking space.

As they arrived inside of the main entrance of the school, Louis and Clem dropped him off at the front door. "Bye AJ, have a good day. Mom or dad will hopefully come home to pick you up." Clementine said goodbye to AJ. "Okay, bye Louis!" AJ exclaimed. "See you ater school little man." Louis said as he watched AJ walked into his classroom.

The two were about to leave the school, when a lady in about her 40's walked up to them. "Excuse me? You two look a little young to new parents." She commented. "That's my younger brother..." Clementine replied. "Oh, sorry!" She chuckled and went on with her day. They hopped back in Louis' car. Clementine slumped in the passengers seat of the car with a grumpy look on her face.

"Oh come on, don't be grumpy because AJ saw us being all, "Mushy" Louis said, trying to lighten up her mood a bit as he drove into the parking lot of their school. "I know, I know. It's just every fucking day, no matter how many times I tell him to stop." She complained. "Well, he's not here to tell us anything now..." Louis said with a slight smirk. Clementine shot a smirk back before they both leaned in, but we're interrupted when they got a loud knock on Louis' passenger side window. They jolted out of the contact, and looked over to see Brody.

'What?' Clementine mouthed to the redhead. 'We need to talk. This is serious.' Brody mouthed back. Clementine sighed heavily out of annoyance, and opened the car door. "We need to talk Clem." Brody said and dragged her away to Violet, Aasim, and Marlon. "What's up." Clementine asked the three. "Guys this is a bad idea." Violet said under her breath. "Quiet Vi. Okay, so you know that party that's In a few days?" Marlon asked her. "Yeah." The brunette responded. "Will you go with us?" Brody asked out of eagerness. Clementine sighed before saying, "You guys know I hate school parties." "We need you to go though!" Brody complained. "Why?" Clementine asked and slouched with annoyance. "Because, there's this girl going around telling people that Louis is her date." Marlon explained.

Clementine stood there in confusion. "Yeah... And she's a complete hoe." Violet added. "And why aren't we telling Louis this?" Clem asked. "Well, maybe she'll be around him most of the time." Violet explained. "Your point is?" Clementine said with an annoyed tone. "This is a chance to see if he's loyal." Violet said, looking over to Louis' car to see if he was coming towards them. "That's fucking stupid guys." Clementine said after scoffing. "Look, we know you trust him, but this is your chance to see if what your thinking ideas true." Violet said. "I- okay! Fine, I'll go." Clementine gave in.

Students started walking into the school, and so did Clem, Louis, Violet, Marlon, and Brody. "Where's Aasim, Mitch, James and Ruby?" Brody asked as they all walked into the school. "Probably somewhere inside here already." Marlon replied. Louis walked away from Clementine, and up to Marlon.

"Dude, I know you and Clem have been together for 3 years? But you need to quit kissing each other everywhere you go." Marlon said quietly to his best friend, while Clementine was chatting with Brody and Vi. "And you need to stop making out with Brody in the janitors closet every second you get during classes." Louis joked. "We don't talk about that!" Marlon warned the dread head. Louis chuckled at his buddy.

"Okay, but if anything happens, it's on you guys." Clementine said quietly and shot Brody and Vi her famous death stare. "Hey, it's not gonna be our fault Louis is gonna be a cheating liar." Violet joked. "Liar?" Clementine asked. "She asked him what time it was a week ago and he said I don't know." Brody explained to the brunette girl. "Typical Violet..." Clementine sighed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Louis asked and turned around. "None of your business." Violet replied rudely. "Cut the shit, Vi." Marlon demanded. The blonde girl rolled her eyes at Marlon. "It's nothing, Lou." Clementine said. "Hey Lou, I need to talk to you after school. At your house." Marlon said. "Alright. I gotta drop Clem off first." The dread head responded. "I'll just ride with you guys after school then. Brody is riding with Violet after school." Marlon said. "AJ is going to Tenn's house after school today, so you don't have to come over." Clementine joined in on their conversation. Louis then thought,

AJ won't be there, Carley and Lee will be down stairs, and Clem has a lock on her door. He smiled, and turned to Marlon. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Louis asked. "You gonna smash?" Marlon whispered to him. "What? No!!?" Louis smacked his shoulder. Marlon put his hands up, as if he was being arrested. "Our love life is not like yours and Brody's." Louis joked. Brody scoffed, "As if you actually have a dick." The red headed girl joked. "Brody..." The mullet man growled. The four of them chuckled. The bell rang, signalling it was time for first period. "See you guys after class." Marlon said and walked to Violet, Aasim, and Mitch to class. While Louis held Clementine's hand tightly with Brody, James and Ruby on their side.

After school, Louis waited for Clementine in his car with Marlon in the front seat.

She arrived, and took a seat in his car. "I'll be over later." Louis said as he turned around to see Clementine before winking at her. He's so hot... She said in her mind, and leaned in quickly.

Marlon watched as the two kissed sloppily. It's every fucking day... Marlon stared out the car window on his side, watching Brody and Violet drive out of the parking lot of the school. About 11 seconds later, he couldn't take it anymore. Marlon reached over and honked the horn, making the two jump out of the position.

Louis quickly started up his car, and drove away once Clementine had her seat belt on.

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