Chapter 2 - Gine

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Gine was seen as a shy and timid woman keeping to herself and hiding behind a hood never one to deal with people. She worked in small flower shop as it was perfect for her only dealing with the flora.

However despite this public image Gine had a side only a handful had seen the side that made her like a different woman. Some days she would go to a countryside event that made her into a violent but kind woman the paintball hunting one team would hide and the other would hunt them. A one sided Paintball game to some but stress relief and fun to others.

Gine finished watering the plants and sighed as she sat down and admired the plants, smiling at the sight she removed her gloves and went to the break room humming as she looked at the clock almost time for lunch where she would go to her usually bakery for a treat and sit at her usual spot to eat her food.

The bakery staff knew Gine perfectly and always had her order ready. Gine was organised and always lived in a routine as she walked into the bakery she smiled at the staff placing money on the counter 'Thank you very much. How has your day been everyone?' She placed the food into her bag and picked up the cup of tea as the bakers smiled at her 'same old same old Gine. Though had a woman earlier think we were a butcher kept asking for things we don't have' Gine couldn't help but giggle at the tale and walked out the bakery heading to the park to enjoy her meal.

Sitting on a bench by the large pond Gine placed her food in order of how she would eat it. She took out her art pad and started to sketch the sight she had infront of her. She liked this spot in the park because despite her routine she always admired how the world wasn't something that could be planned and the park always had something new everyday.

One thing Gine secretly loved like a guilty pleasure was the unpredictible side of life, randomness that would drive anyone else insane drove her to new levels of excitment.

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