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I still could not see anything, but I carefully removed the blindfold. What a relief!

"H- hello?" I called out, wandering about the dark room. My hip caught onto a table and I yelped.

"Are you always this clumsy?" His voice came from the back of the room.

Curious, I crept closer. "No. I'm rather graceful."

He snorted.

Once in line with the shadows, he barked, "Stop! You cannot come any closer."

I knew I couldn't look at him. But curiosity is my greatest weakness. "Not even for a second?"

"If you're going to badger me on this you'll have to leave. Guard!"

"Wait, no!"

The door swung open and in walked 3 men in uniform. "Sure?"

"Take her back to her quarters."

They had me by the arm but I cried, "wait please! I just have one thing to ask."

The guards loosened their grip. I stood tall, staring straight at the darkened corner where I knew the dark lord waited. "Why me?"

No answer.

"I'm just the middle child. I have no hold on the kingdom. I was about to be ransomed off to be a Duke's bride from a faroff land and your brother shows up to bring me here. But what makes you so sure I'm the one you want?"

I heard him shift. I hear him sigh. Then he spoke, " We have much to discuss. Now is not the time. I'll be happy to have you join me for dinner tomorrow. We can get to know each other a little more then."

This was unfair! "I want answers now! You owe me that much. Am I really someone you want to marry?"

"At the moment? No."

I gasped.

"My only interest is that of our kingdoms reuniting as in the old days. I'm sure you've already been told that it isn't you but your family. A tie. I had no real chance with your eldest sister. Would be 10 more years before the younger comes of age."

I swallowed. "Meaning?"

"It's not you I'm after. It's your lineage."

I sucked in a breath, cringing when he added:

"Your blood."

Tears came to my eyes. I'm nothing special after all. I was a fool to think I might be free here. I merely traded one prison for another.

The guards led me away to my Chambers and I spent the night clutching my pillow, sobbing until I fell asleep.

Bride to the Dark LordWhere stories live. Discover now