10. Yell and Yell Louder

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"Shinomiya, could you taste this for me?"

"It's too salty! Do it again!"

"No! You're supposed to add milk if it's too salty!" he slammed a carton of milk on the counter.

"How the fuck is that supposed to--" he stopped, tasted it again, and made a defeated noise before throwing his hands into the air, "yeah, this works!"

The second day of teamwork went much better. Formality be damned, Fumi yelled out every single question or qualm he had, and had Shinomiya answer everything.

After all, being bold and rude went two ways.

"Eda! The pot is burning!"

"You're frying those things for five seconds too long, focus on your own end!"

"The pot is fucking burning!"

"I heard you the first time!"

The teacher was justifiably irritated. Yes, he encouraged individual and team learning, because some here were amateurs and some had experience from home-- but this was just ridiculous.

Those two have been yelling at each other from across the table for the past hour. Are they incapable of speaking without yelling?

"I said to add sugar! Why did you add honey!"

"It tastes better with honey."

"Says who?! Stop changing the recipe, Eda!"

"You'll never get good food if you're too cowardly to experiment, Shinomiya."

"And you're always going to fail if you keep putting weird stuff in the stew!"

"I dare you to eat my food and say it's disgusting, pinky!"

"If you make me get another failing grade for no reason you're going to get it, you brainless dunce!!"

They growled fiercely at each other for a long moment, For a second sparks flews, fires raged, and a war was upon them. Then the timer on the counter burst into rings, and a hand shot out to shut the alarm.

Immediately, and without another word, they split off into separate parts of the cooking area, and resumed cooking their separate parts of the dish.

"Pinkymiya, stir-fry will be ready in fifteen seconds."

"Dunceda, the cheese will take another twenty. Look after the meat or something."

The teacher let out a long-suffering groan.

They got an A in the end, which is so appallingly ridiculous that the teacher can't help but pinch the bridge of his nose in defeat.



"No! Ginger!"

The two stare at each other like a scene right out of the climax of an epic battle scene. In unison, they whipped out their knives-- turned around, and rapidly began cutting.

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