Coming Out

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Today me and Kate are going to visit my parents as its my moms birthday so we are having a party for her. I was quite nervous for kate to meet my parents for the first time as I don't now how my parents will react to me coming out as a lesbian. I told Kate that i won't introduce her as my girlfriend as I'm afraid of spoiling my moms birthday.

Currently, me and Kate were getting ready for the party in her house. I have being staying with kate for the past week as i really don't want to go home without her. I miss her presents when I'm alone.

I gently wrap my arms around Kate's back as she sits on her vanity looking at me through the spotlessly clean mirror. "You look beautiful." I whisper, planting small kisses on her neck.

She moans gently, closing her eyes. "So do you, I'm so blessed to have you I'm my life." She says pending her eyes to look at me through the mirror.

"It's the same for me." I tell her kissing her softly on her plump lips.

I was waiting for Kate to finish getting ready in her kitchen. I hear the clicking of her heels getting closer. As i slowly turn around, i am greeted my her beautiful eyes shining with her perfect natural make up.
My eyes travel down her beautiful toned and tanned body which was covered my a black and silver dress which hugged her body perfectly.

"Jesus baby, i want to rip that dress off you right now." I smile, never taking my eyes off her.

"Is it that bad?" She laughs

"You look absolutely stunning."

Taking her hand in mine, we make our way to my childhood house.

When we finally pulled up onto my parents drive instantly became nervous. I have never not anted to see my parents until now.

"Baby, its fine, remember where just friends." She says, giving m a kiss on the lips.

"Yeah, friends." I say sarcastically.

She gave me her beautiful smile, which instantly calmed me down.

"The thing is I really want them to know about us but i just don't want to make my mom upset on her birthday."

"Then promise me that the next time we see them, we tell them about us. Because honestly, I couldn't see my life without you." She tells me, holding my hand tight.

I give her one more passionate kiss before getting out the car.

When me and Kate reached the door we were greeted by my mother who was stood happily looking at both of us. "Happy birthday, mom." I say embracing her in a big hug.

"Thank you, Taylor." She says kissing my cheek.

"This is Katherine Clark, my friend." I say introducing Kate.

"Happy birthday, Mrs Mills." Katherine says hugging my mom.

"please, call me Amanda." My mom says, smiling at Kate. "Aren't you Taylors boss?"

"Y-yes, but you daughter is so nice, we've became really good friends." She says smiling at me.

I could have kissed her right there.

I spent the night catching up with my family and introducing Kate to everyone. It was killing me that I couldn't introduce her as my girlfriend, but I couldn't do that to my mom on her birthday.

"Hi sis, who's this?" Lucy, my younger sister asks.

"This is Kate, my friend." I tell her

"Oh right, a friend who you just kiss."

I could have just died right there.

"How do you know?" I ask in shock.

"I saw you both in you car. Don't worry i won't tell." She says simply.

I look up at Katherine who is looking worried.

Lucy had already walked off from us and was talking to someone else.

I wanted to leave this place.

"Will she tell anyone." Kate asks holding tightly onto my hand.

"I don't know. I just want to go home."

"Alright, lets just go say goodbye to you parents."

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