Moving day

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Katherine's pov:

I'm over the moon that Taylor is back home and everything was alright with her. I will never get used to that feeling of waking up and cuddling the love and Of your life on a cold morning. Nothing else seems to matter in that moment, the room is silent and all you can concentrate on is each other's breathing.

I'm couldn't be happier that Tay was moving in with me today, we are going to be getting her things into my house so we had to get up early.

"Come on baby, we have to get up"
Tay moans and puts her face deeper into my neck. She sends shivers down my spine as I can feel her warm breath on the spot she knows sends me wild.

"Ummm... come on baby" I slowly start to get out of her grip but she holds me tighter against her exposed body.

"I love you, Kate"

She starts kissing down my neck, softly.

"I love you too...But we have to get up if you want to live with me"

With that said she jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen to cook us some breakfast. I took this opportunity it take a shower and get ready for the day.

When I was finished getting ready, I saw Taylor standing by the stove cooking us pancakes. I gently come up behind her and kiss her neck. I can feel her melting into my touch. "Fuck You look sexy in that tight pencil skirt" she complemented when she turned around. She kisses be deeper and it starts to get heated.

"Breakfast smells good baby" I say through the kisses.

Suddenly she remembers the pancakes are burning in the pan.
"Shit, I forgot about them"

Once breakfast was done and we had eaten it me and Tay went back to her apartment to pack up her things. "I can't wait until I am officially moved in with you"
"Me too, baby it can finally be our house"

The removal men arrived to help us move all of Taylor's furniture out as we boxed up the smaller items she had.

I felt weird going through all of someones home and seeing things that you have never known about. Me and Tay were laughing at at the photos I had found of Taylor when she was at school. She looked the same but more innocent and she had a lot more freckles around her face beck then. "You were so cute" I say through laughter.

"Oh, shut up" She says, hitting me playfully with it.

"Shall we go out to dinner tonight... to celebrate living together"

"I'd love that" she kisses softly "ex- oh...sorry to interrupt" the removal man looked quite red when we looked up at the door way he was standing in"

" it's alright... what can we help you with?" I say trying not to laugh at his embarrassment.

"We are finished here if you want us to take it back to the house?"
"Yes please we will follow you" I say getting up off the floor.

"Great" he says eyeing both of us.
I give Tay a strange look as we both laugh quietly.

Poor man didn't know we were gay.

At dinner I couldn't help staring at Tay. She was wearing a very tight dress which was showing off all of her gorgeous curves. The waiter kept eying her body up and down which made a pit a jealousy in me. I have never being so protective over someone as I am with Tay. However, I want to show that slutty waitress that Taylor is mine.

I slowly took my high heat off my right foot and mate my way up Tays leg slowly, making her skin have goose bumps.

"What are you doing, this is a fancy place" She shock on her face made me laugh.

"I know you want it baby. You are mine tonight, and forever"

I smirk, seeing the lust in her eyes. She wanted me.

My foot eventually reached her panties as I slowly stroked them. She was biting her bottom lip, trying to hide her moans.

I moved her panties to the side. She was soaked.
"You're so wet for me baby"

"Please... stop teasing m-me" she closes her eyes as I start to move my foot faster. She was about to cum"

" here is you food order" the slutty waitress comes up to our table. She looked at Taylor with worry in her face... but she finally caught on. She shifted uncomfortably "e-enjoy"

" Oh we will, thank you" I wink and give her a flirtatious smirk. This made her blush even more.

I take my foot away from Taylor's wetness and return to my food.

"I can't believe you just did that" she says breathing heavenly.

"Wait until we get home, baby"

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