Chapter 4: The Death of Mary Jane...

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As Peter was swinging home, he remembered that Mary Jane and his daughter weren't home, and he was immediately worried for their safety, he swung around looking for them, and then, he saw what at first he didn't assume to be Mj, until he saw his daughter in a pram by the corpse... and he immediately swung down, and saw that sadly... it WAS Mj... he didn't have time to cry... he had to get his daughter home...
he picked her up, seemingly left alive by carnage, just so she could suffer, not only seeing her mother get brutally slaughtered in front of her, and let her stay there, hoping to no avail, that her mother would get up, perfectly fine...
But she didn't... and she wouldn't... because she was dead... and basically unrecognisable, as Peter swung back to his house, with his daughter in his arm, he tried his best not to cry, though that was hard, as his daughter was crying into his shoulder...
And when he got home, he put his daughter down... sat down, took off his mask... and cried for what felt like hours... and his daughter joined him in their suffering... after only an hour, his daughter had somehow fallen asleep, and Peters tear ducts where all dried up... he decided to put his daughter to bed... and think of a way to defeat carnage...
He had to stop that monster...

No matter what...................

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