Chapter 5: The decision...

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Peter finally decided the only way, he hated everything about it, but it was his only choice...
he walked to the closet, unlocked it, then unlocked the chest, and simply stood there staring at the ooze trying to get out of its container, then, after making his choice clear, he bent down, and opened the container, the symbiote stopped for a moment as Peter opened the container, waiting to make sure it wasn't a trick, and then, it oozed out of it, seemingly stared at Peter for a second, then I crawled over to him, and quickly crawled up his legs, Peter almost started to double think the plan, but decided yet again, that "this is the only way to defeat carnage... and avenge Mary Jane..." he thought to himself, as he was completely coated in the ooze, which quickly took the form of the black suit again, though Peter could've sworn he felt it seeping into his flesh and the cuts he had gained from his failed attempt to stop carnage...

Spider-Man Changes 2; "Maximum Carnage" (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now