Special Event In Faerghus

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This takes place in Year 1187, Pegasus Moon. At this point, the majority of Fodlan had been restored at and given peace to. Archbishop Byleth and King Dimitri got married not long after that and they continue to keep peace to the land and work for it. Byleth lives in the monastery while Dimitri lives in the palace but they visit one another very often.

Alois is the captain of the knights of Seiros which includes Catherine. Seteth is one who helps guide Byleth as he had done so with Rhea. Shamir is a knight by choice due to enjoying her time with Byleth.

Annette and Mercedes live in the same village somewhere in Fodlan. Dedue works for Dimitri. Every other BL student however live their lives separate to one another.

Anyways I hope that explains some things! Before anyone asks though, this is not connected to any of my other Dimileth stories or any of my other stories in general nor will it represent what my other stories will be in the future (unless, you guys want more stories like this lol) and the same goes for the Claudeleth Valentine's Day Special and the Edeleth one. Thank you.

Feel free to leave feedback including critiques but try to stay polite. I'm admittedly a bit worried to publish this so yeah. I apologise for any character that's OOC. Specifically Byleth, she has more emotion here than she does in the game.

The talented cover artist is Alicia_Does_Art and the one who edited it is the talent Wattpad User ImberLapis! Please give them the support, they both deserve it(:

Anywho, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and I hope you like this story.

Thank you(:


Valentine's Day was an important and beloved event in Faerghus.

The special day where couples spend romantic times with each other in all of Fodlan.

But it was far more loved in the Kingdom than it ever was anywhere else in Fodlan and the Royal Family was no exception to it. They would always throw a ball in the palace for couples to celebrate.

However it hadn't been done for almost 6 years due to all the events that had occurred but now there was no reason to not hold a ball.

Dimitri as a kid, despised this holiday. All he did was find himself and Ingrid stopping Sylvain from being the natural skirt chaser and just watching sappy couples dance. Not only that though but he never understood the appeal nor how couples.... worked exactly.

But, after a few months of his marriage to his beloved wife Byleth, his perspective isn't the same as it was.

Perhaps he might even like it and treasure the event with the one he loves.

Byleth on the other hand, didn't even know what Valentine's Day was. She had only found about it earlier that month when Dimitri asked her about it. He was shocked to find out that she had no idea what it was or what they do at Faerghus but he explained it to her.

What they do in the ball in the palace isn't exactly too different to the ones at the monastery but it still wasn't the same.

It was a party that involved lots of food and dancing but it also required for two ones in love to exchange gifts. There is also a separate room for people who want to make flower crowns for the one they love.

The idea of this Valentine's Day Ball in Faerghus sounded wonderful to her. She would love to spend her first Valentine's Day with her beloved.

However unlike Dimitri, she wasn't entirely sure if she had any work that day and/or if Seteth would allow her to go.

A Special Day With You / A Dimileth Valentines Day Special Oneshot AUWhere stories live. Discover now