Chapter 3

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speech
... Narration

(Okay, so this is a filler. Just because, I wanted to add something that will be useful in the future near the end of the book. Hopefully, it'll pop up more during the storyline that I'll write. (。-ω-)ノ That and also I have online school and don't have the anime on me so I can't write the actual chapters. Gomen!!)

Narrator POV~

The members of the volleyball club were questioning why the third year middle blocker wasn't at club(tho he wasn't at school either), and the third years were on their way to contact him. Soon, they all realized that he wasn't picking up, so Sugawara, the mom, called (M/N)'s father to see what was up.

His father picked up the phone and spoke, "Hello, this is (L/N)(F/N)."

"Hello (L/N)-san. This is Sugawara from (M/N)'s Volleyball Team, and the members and I were wondering why he wasn't here today?"

"Oh, that boy. Sorry, Sugawara-kun. He's probably at the ice skating rink. The Grand Prix is coming up and he's probably training for it."

"Okay, thank you very much (L/N)-san."

"Not a problem, thank you for looking out for my son."

The two hung up their phones. Sugawara soon explained to the rest of the team why (M/N) wasn't there and they all agreed to go see him.

The team left, with the Coach and Team Advisor's permission, to the ice skating rink not too far from them. Though there was a lot of bickering, they managed to get there quickly.

The manager of the rink noticed the Volleyball Team come into the area and told them that the rink was booked up for the day and they couldn't go in.

"I'm sorry, but the rink is closed for the majority of today, and I don't think that the two inside would like their practice interrupted."

She bowed as an apology, but Daichi said.

"Oh, we were just going to watch. We have a friend that's in there and we needed to talk to him."

"Ah. Then I'll lead you inside. Please, be quiet as they're working quite hard in there."

"Of course," Daichi said, slightly glaring at the first-years and some of the second years.

Those that received the glare gulped and kept their mouths shut. The woman led them inside the rink onto the side where some benches were placed, and a (F/C) duffle bag plus some extra belongings were placed on one of the benches.

A male that they did not recognize was on the side, counting step patterns for the tall male that was on the ice. The sounds of blades scraping the ice was one of the few sounds they could hear. Music was also playing, one that they have never heard of.

(Yes, I know, that's Yuri!!! on Ice, but in irl. This is something that I wanted to add and no Yuri and Viktor or Yurio or anyone from YOI are not going to be in this story. This is the one song where for the Free Skate, Yuri had a friend compose the song, and it had a really great story for what we're trying to keep for (M/N)'s story so yup, we using it.)

The Karasuno VBC was in awe at the male skating on the ice. He was so graceful and it was like you could feel the emotion and see what the story he was trying to tell. The song came to an end and (M/N) struck the final movements, sweat coating his (S/C) forehead and body. The team started clapping and (M/N) was shocked that they were there.

His (S/C) face flushed an even brighter red from the state that he was once in and started moving out of the rink, (F/C) figure skates moving him gracefully off the ice. The unknown male also came over to the team.

"G-guys! What are y-you doing here?!" (M/N) asked in shock and embarrassment, ruffling his (H/C) locks.

"Well, your dad told us that you'd be here so we thought we could all visit you," Sugawara explained.

"Hey (M/N), you know these people?" The long black haired male asked.

"Y-yeah. Guys, this is my ice s-skating coach, Malvin. Malvin, this is the volleyball c-club that I'm in at school." (M/N) stuttered, putting on his glasses.

"It's nice to meet all of you. Though you guys shouldn't be in here. (M/N), did you skip school to Practice?" The male, now known as Malvin said.

"Well... This is the first time I skipped. The other times I just practiced after school. Even after Volleyball practice. You know this Malvin."

"Whoa! (M/N)-Senpai! Your skating was amazing! You were like, "Wosh" and "whir"!" Hinata exclaimed, making a bunch of movements while speaking.

"E-eh! I'm not that great, there are still many more skaters that are b-better than me. I'm even lucky to qualify for the Grand Prix..." (M/N)'s (S/C) hand came to rub the back of his arm.

"Okay guys, let's not bother (M/N) while he has practice. You don't mind that we watch right?" Daichi asked.

"Not at all. I sorta still have to practice my program. Malvin, could you play the music again?"

"You're the boss. Get on the ice and do your best." Malvin replied, going over to the speakers.

(M/N) went to the ice once more, going around the rink once and going to the starting position.

(Obviously, does not belong to me, and I recommend watching it.)

The Karasuno VBC was in awe as they watched their fellow teammate skate along the ice almost flawlessly. Each jump was inspiring and each turn made the team even more sucked into the performance. With each push off the ice it looked like he was flying.

(M/N) fell into his final pose and the music ended, making the team clap in applause and shout encouraging words to the tall third year. He got off the ice again, and took some time to get a breather. He yelled to Malvin that he was going to get going for the night and started packing up his stuff.

"Thanks for coming to see me guys." (M/N) said, waving at them.

Once (M/N)'s flushed (S/C) body picked up all his items, he gestured for the team to follow him and then went to the store right by their school.

"Wait out here guys."

(M/N) went in and less than five minutes later, he came out with bags, giving them to the team.

"This is my repayment for you guys." (M/N) said, blushing a bit.

"Y-you didn't have to do that (M/N)-kun!" The third years exclaimed.

"It's not a problem. Anyways, I'll see you guys tomorrow for practice. Have a nice night."

(M/N) walked off with his stuff and waved as he made his way home.

To Be Continued~
Word Count: 1103 Words
Date Posted: March 25th, 2020

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