S17 EP21: Danger and Kane VS Jack and Wayne

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*Show opens up with Pyro*
Commentator: Hello PWE universe Welcome to another Episode of PWE as tonight we have a tag team match With the Team Of Danger And Kane vs the The Team Of Jack And Wayne of The Doberman!!!

*Crowd Cheers And Boos*

Ring Announcer: The Following Contest is Scheduled for one fall making their way to the Ring, From Michigan... Jack and Wayne.. The Doberman!!!

Commentator: Well the last time they fought they took on the Tag Champs, and took a beaten, but tonight they look to make a big upset on beating Danger and Kane.

*Crowd Cheers*

Ring Announcer: And their opponents from Death Vally.... Danger and Kane!!!!

Commentator: Well they last time they were here as they attacked the PWE Champs who asked for competitor, as both of them came in and did double tombstones to them, Will tonight over The Doberman bring them one step closer to the Tag Titles?? Lets find out.

Referee: Ring The Bell!!

*Bell Rings*

Commentator: Alright So here we go tag match is underway way as Danger and Jack are starting off for each of their teams as they lock up and and Jack Delivers a drop kick to Danger.

Jack: you suck!!

*crowd boos*

Commentator: the crowd didn't like what jack had to say to Danger as he delivers a couple punches to him in the corner, but Wait Danger fights back punching him in the midsection and secures a running knee to the face in the corner.

Danger: Lets Go!!

*Crowds Cheers*

Commentator: Danger tags in Kane as the both perform a back body drop on him, as then he picks up Jack and slams him to the mat and does a kid to the knee going for the cover.

Referee: 1..2..2!!!

Commentator: Oh Jack kicks out as Kane pick him out as Kane tries picking him up again, but Jack reverses it into a death drop and the tags Wayne, as he goes and does a neck breaker to Kane and goes for the cover.

Referee: 1..2..2!!

Commentator: Oh and Kane kicks out of two

Wayne: You won't last long in here Kane

Kane: No I will but you won't

Commentator: Oh Kane slaps Wayne in the face throat thrusts Wayne and now Kane tags in Danger to perform a double Big Boot to him and Danger goes for the cover.


Commentator: And Wayne kicks out of the double big boot, as now Danger try's going for Old School but Wayne Reverses it pushing Danger down to the mat and then they tag in Jack And they Kane tries to go in but come on now jack and Wayne are beating up Danger and the referee isn't seeing it, do job Ref.

Doberman: Best Tag Team here!!

*Crowd Boos Them And chants You Suck*

Commentator: The Crowd is in irate on them as they before a double you suplex and Jack goes for the cover.

Referee: 1...2..2!!

Commentator: And Kane kicks out of that as the crowd is now chanting for Kane and so Is Danger, as the crowd is cheering on. As the both Irish Whip Kane as they try a closeline but Wait Kane Reverses And gives them both a closline.

Kane: Come on!!!

*Crowds Cheers*

Commentator: The Crowds going wild for Kane as he takes jack to the corner and does the Biel Toss and then what's Kane doing?? He's going to the top rope and jumps and does the diving Closline ok to Jack and goes for the cover.

Referee: 1..2..2!!!

Commentator: And Jack kicks out of it and looks to me Kane is gonna set up with the choke slam it wait jack Reverses it and super kicks Kane he then tags Wayne as Kane is dazed and gets doubled Superkicked and Danger gets in and gets hit with the Samoan Drop by Jack And Wayne heads to the top and does the splash, it's over here

Referee: 1...2..2!!!!

Commentator: No Kane kicks out as both Danger and Kane are down and the Doberman are shocked, as looks to me they are going for double superkicks, as Danger and Kane sat up and the Doberman try to super kicked them but wait a minute Danger and Kane have got Jack and Wayne by the throat as the do we a double Chokeslam!!!

Danger: There are about to Rest...In....Peace!!!

Commentator: Looks to me they are gonna finish Doberman off as Danger grabs Jack and Kane Grabs Wayne as the Got them up and hits them down with a Double Tombstone Piledriver Rest In Peace Doberman


*bell rings and crowd Cheers*

Ring Announcer: Here Are your winners...Danger and Kane!!!

Commentator: What a match by These two teams but Danger and Kane picked up the win to maybe a title Opportunity against Scott and Andrew later in the future, thanks for watching this episode of PWE have a good night!!!

*screen goes to black*

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