ღ chapter four ღ

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yet again, little harry found himself with a cookie in his hand (freshly-baked) and ready to be given to louis. he wanted to be nice to the mean boy even if that meant talking to him.

so he gave his mother a goodbye kiss when he saw the bus approaching telling her how much he loved her. he then climbed on the bus and said his usual greeting to the nice bus lady before walking down the aisle looking for the boy. when he spotted him, he was shocked to see a bright smile on his face.

if he was being honest, it scared him.

he approached the boy and waved the cookie in front of his face gaining louis' attention. louis soon recognizes the lunchbox that was dangling from harry's other hand and groans. his happy morning now turning into an annoyed one.

"what do you want, harry?" louis says crossing his arms.

"i brought you a 'nother cookie!" beams the four year old putting the cookie on his lap. he then motioned for the seat beside louis to which louis simply shakes his head. this time harry is not hurt by it though as he expected it.

instead he just plopped his little tooshie down and smiled brightly to his bus partner. louis scoffs and turns to say something to the young one when he is cut off by him.

"do 'ou 'ant a piece of my 'uffin?" harry asks his mouth filled with a bite from his banana muffin. louis looks at him in disgust wondering how harry had even began to eat his muffin so quickly before saying, "it's rude to talk with your mouth filled."

harry remains silent chewing his muffin and once he had a cleared mouth he says, "it's also 'ude to say no to me when i ask to sit 'ere."

louis rolls his eyes annoyed that his little stalker boy had learned to talk back now. he loved it when he had the last word but now it seemed harry had learned to defend himself against louis' hurtful words.

"do we 'ave to? louis does not like me," harry complained to his best friend during lunch. niall nodded explaining how liam was cool and wanted to talk to him more. he sighs realizing that he would have to pretend to be brave again towards louis like he did this morning.

the whole sitting down beside him was rehearsed all afternoon. of course when he did it, mr. snuggles (his stuffed bear that he cherished the most in the world) was nice and told him that yes he could sit down. as for louis, he wasn't sure how he would react.

"hey niall, hi harry," liam greets the pair when they approach them by the swings. louis smiles towards liam (actually liking the lad) yet scowls when he notices his little-tag-along harry.

"hey liam," he smiles, "hey louis."

"niall," louis nods ignoring harry.

"so i was thinking, me and louis don't really know you two much," liam says meeting eyes with harry for a split second, "so we thought-"

"he thought," louis corrected him.

"fine, i thought we should do like a sleepover. we can watch movies and play," liam finishes saying. harry nods liking the idea of it yet then he realized that meant he would have to spend time with louis OUTSIDE of school. that thought scared him.

"that sounds good!" niall exclaims excited about the idea. harry nods faking his excitement as niall, liam and louis spoke about the night they would have. harry felt the hint of left out as he didn't have much to say nor were they asking him for his input of the night.

"we should do it as 'y house!" he then blurts out. oh no.


author's note:

sorry it took a while to update.

but how have you been?


february 16, 2020

- sarah

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