Demon (Apoth, Mother Nature, Sage)

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Jacoby (Apoth-Phase):
*being pushed against the dirt started to rub him the wrong way. He felt small rocks indenting his cheek. Despite his struggling, the weight Seraphina put on him increased. He knew she was manipulating gravity along with her body weight on him. He knew he was physically stronger than her. This pissed him off even more. His right eye twitched madly as he struggled beneath her. He gritted his teeth and exhaled aggressively through them. Ice covered his vest and his hands became frosted at the fingertips. They were bright pink with several fresh superficial cuts. The skin on his knuckles were chapped and cracked. He dug his fingers into the dirt, trying to gain any kind of traction he could. Seraphina kept her upper body pushed up against his shoulder blades while she balanced her legs to the side of him. It was as if she were trying to keep Jacoby in his Ultimate-phase pinned down.*

*she dominantly called out to the back of his head. She used all her strength, including her ability to manipulate gravity fields, to keep Jacoby down. She knew he had Hate and Rage  in his heart, but she never realized how powerful he was in this manic state. She never witnessed the intensity of the Ultimate-phase. She struggled, but this was not apparent to their 11-yr old son, Sage, who stood there petrified as he stared at his father turning into a beast. Seraphina lost control of Jacoby for a moment. She felt him push himself up and lurch forward to gain some momentum, but she quickly shut him down. She regained control. She kept her eyes locked on her husband, she couldn't bare to look her son in the eyes.*

Jacoby (Apoth-Phase):
*he felt his head pulsing. He lost sight for a moment. Everything went black. Suddenly he felt himself being slammed back down on the dirt. His vision snapped back. His hip bones dug into the dirt and he felt his cheek scrape against the rocks laying in the dirt. He groaned in pain. His right eye kept impulsively twitching and he began to drool as his breathing intensified through gritted teeth.*
*he sounded almost demonic. His voice was much deeper than usual and his words slurred. Seraphina wouldn't tolerate this.*

*her face twisted into beautiful anger. It was a mixture of sympathy and aggression. Her eyes glassed over and her eyebrows furrowed. She quickly grabbed the hair on the back of his head and lifted his head slightly just to push it back into the dirt. She leaned in so that her face was slightly above his. She attempted to make eye contact with him. He struggled and avoided her.*

Jacoby (Apoth-Phase)
*he winced and kept trying to whip her off him. He slowed down for a moment as his head hit the dirt again. His breathing intensified even more and he bit the base knuckle of his index finger, trying to gain control in something. His skin kept cracking from the internal eternal cold...Absolute Zero. The stronger the Rage and Darkness, the more Absolute Zero (the darkest, coldest cold known to the universe) would consume his heart. He pushed against his wife and bit harder on his hand. Blood rushed down from his finger. He tasted his own blood and his eyes dilated. His right eye went from a twitch to a wince. He felt Seraphina pull and direct his head rapidly. She tried to make eye contact with him. He resisted her and called out. His blood and drool spilled out from the corner of his mouth.

*he stood about 15 feet from his parents. He had never seen such a display of love and hate. His eyes were wide and his body shook vigorously. He was feeling cold stone fear. He couldn't move. He couldn't look away. He stood there motionless. A deer in the headlights. He exhaled as he whispered to himself.*
"...he IS a demon..."

*yet again, she forced her husband to look her in the eyes. After a few failed attempts, Jacoby finally locked eyes with her. She noticed how dilated his pupils were. His eyes turned from their normal honey brown/gold into a brownish-red (like a dark rust). Entity was coming back. No, Ultimate was coming back. Seraphina held her ground.*

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