Don't Lose Another Fight (Older Entity and Dark Tooth)

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-sexual themes and teasing. Clothed.-

(Older Entity and Dark Toothiana)


*suddenly his back slammed against a wall of shadows and he instinctively bit his lower lip on impact. Before he had the chance to react, he closed his eyes as a sharp exhale mixed with a grunt escaped his mouth. He gritted his teeth and winced. Surely the impact knocked the wind out of him and gave him minor whiplash. As he opened his eyes, he stumbled underneath himself as he tried to find his bearings, but found himself on the floor. With trembling breath, he slid to the side, using the wall as a support, trying to regain his composure. He looked down then side-eyed the direction where he initially came from.*

"It was supposed to be...a fucking...JOKE!"

*he coughed and tried to gain the strength to push himself back straight up. Before he could catch his breath, Toothiana bent down to him, hands on her thighs, entertained by his struggling. She hummed and cocked her head slightly to the side. He ignored her as he tried to stand up. Irritated, she threw on a smile of disdain and curled her fist around the collar of his hoodie and pushed him aggressively back against the wall of shadows. As she did this, she basically punched Jacoby in the throat at a short distance. This quickly gained his attention. Despite his eyes dazing in and out of focus, he listened to her as she slowly applied pressure to his neck. Not enough to choke him, but enough to control him. He struggled beneath her and grunted in a sad attempt to intimidate her.*


"I didn't think it was very funny..."

*She smiled ironically and looked down to his crotch and laughed politely to herself then looked back to him*

"That's MUCH more comical. I threaten you, I torture you and all you have to show in 'self defense' is an erection..."

*She hummed yet again and Jacoby grew frustrated. He squirmed to get out of her grip, but he was losing energy quickly from his lack of sleep. He was thinking of every insult in the book to spit at her, but all that came out was another frustrated grunt and a glare. He couldn't speak easily with the amount of pressure Toothiana had on his neck. She responded by pushing herself against him.*

*He felt completely powerless against her. He couldn't move away, or at all for that matter. The way she manipulated his body up against the wall rendered him powerless. He couldn't overpower her. Even if he tried, he'd hurt himself long before getting her off him. She always used leverage over him. her understanding of physics always got her on top of him. He knew he was stronger than her physically, but she knew how to manipulate the trap it. She was well-educated on pressure points, metaphysics and Japanese Akito martial arts. She knew how to exercise power over him and he hated how ignorant he was to these skills.*


*at this point she noticed he wasn't trying to talk, he was only trying to resist his sexual impulses. He swallowed hard, knowing that showing any small indication of desire would lead to her teasing him to the point of giving in and having sex.*

"Jacoby~ What is this? Awh, is that blood on your lips? You poor thing..."

*a smile grew on her lips yet again.*


*he wasn't sure. Right after she said this, he licked his lips. Surely enough, his bottom lip was cut from biting his lip as his back hit the wall. He knew at this point he was in trouble. His heart started to race and he started to sweat more. He swallowed hard yet again*


*suddenly Toothiana kissed him and his chest heaved in lust for her. He kissed her back. His heart felt heavy as he yearned for her. After a moment, Jacoby's lust turned to genuine emotion. After letting him feel passion for a moment, Toothiana bit down hard on his lower lip and yanked on it, causing it to slice open. Jacoby grunted and opened his dilating eyes. His innocent emotional passion was literally ripped away from him yet again. As he opened his eyes, he saw Toothiana observing his bloody lip then touching it with her fingers. He struggled yet again to get out of her grip, and she pushed herself against him again. She laughed*

"You're so aroused, aren't you? Blood...look how it dances on my fingers. Tell me why this turns you on so much? Hmm...look at you...Hot and bothered and you can't do a thing."

*she looked to his bloodied mouth and smiled. She saw some blood drip from his lips and she wiped it off him with her free hand and wiped it on her face, down to her neck and chest. Jacoby couldn't help but watch. He knew he was in a losing battle. He had little to no self-control. Suddenly he lurched at her. She stopped him dead in his tracks and forced him against the wall again.*


"Oh, no no...I'm making the decisions. You're gonna sit here and take it like a bitch...okay? I'm in control."

*she bit his already-wounded lower lip again then gnawed at his jaw. He couldn't take it any more...he tried to grab her throat but she countered his hand, maneuvered the momentum of his hand and made him grab his crotch. She kept his other hand pinned behind him.

"Now this is just embarrassing for you..."

*She pretended to sound motherly. He wasn't falling for it. He learned as Younger Entity not to trust her 'motherly' side.*


*As she spoke to him in this tone, he started wincing his right eye. She kept applying pressure to his neck while now making him grab himself. He still tried to fight her. Getting the wind knocked out of him really sent him spinning on his head. He continued to squirm jaggedly under her. After she kept pushing and gently rubbing herself on him, he finally let his rage consume him. He let out an aggressive growling grunt and spat in her face. He glared at her, trying his best to challenge her.*

"Fucking bitch."

He spoke through bloodied teeth.


*With bubbled, lustful spit and blood on her face, something in her changed. She was silent. The only thing heard was Jacoby's heavy breathing and his blood dripping to the floor. Suddenly she slammed him against the wall. His trapped arm bent awkwardly and he called out impulsively. Toothiana aggressively made Jacoby grope himself and full on choked him. She continued this and breathed heavily on his neck. Jacoby winced harder and he couldn't hold in his lust anymore. He let it take him. He started to drool and she stopped. Feeling antsy and unsatisfied, Jacoby shifted uncontrollably. Toothiana smiled again and made him aggressively grab himself. She slowly licked up his face, spreading more of his own blood around and whispered in his ear-*

"I own you..."

*with that, she let go entirely of Jacoby and he collapsed to the floor. He tried to get up, but for some reason he couldn't. His body felt deadweight. He realized she must've pressed a pressure point to truly render him powerless. As he lay on the floor, both blood and drool pooling on the floor, she crouched to him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.*

"Next time don't let Jack defeat you in a fight..."

*she lingered then spit on his face. The line of spit trailed from his right eye to the bottom of his cheek like a tear. He kept his right eye closed as she aggressively flew off, leaving him there in the darkness*

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