Snow and Lightning (Older!Entity and Jack)

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Older!Entity and Jack Frost (along with North)

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Older!Entity and Jack Frost (along with North)

—Note: you gotta read the "Dark Jack Series Synopsis" for this to make sense—

Entity snuck around in the shadows while Jack and North causally surveyed the land. It was around dusk, right when the darkest shadows began taking their shape for the night. The two Guardians rested near a park bench. Jack sat on the top of the bench's backrest and North stood nearby and rested his hands on his hips.

"Something to say, North?" Jack rested his chin on his palm as he looked to North, bored.

North looked to Jack, raised an eyebrow then suddenly grabbed Jack and pulled him close. Jack's eyes widened and he let out an surprised exhale.

"Stay alert, Jack! This is time of night where spookies begin. Hmmm..." North scanned Jack then squished his bicep, "You haven't been keeping up with trainings. What is problem? You have your center back, now is time to become strong again!"

North stayed as calm as a happy Russian man could. He had more of a dad-tone-of-voice than annoyance. Jack bit his lip then pulled his arm casually away from North.

"I've been worried about Tooth, alright? She's still recovering from the Nightmare long do you think she'll be asleep?" Jack leaned forward, keeping his feet planted on the park bench. He laid his staff over his thighs as he sat.

Entity quietly shifted through the darkness to listen in on Jack and North's conversation. He knew Tooth was no longer Dark!Tooth. Despite all the abuse he suffered from her, he still missed her. However, Entity had Dark!Elsa now...he also had the lost memories of Arendelle that Jack didn't have. Entity knew he had an advantage over Jack now. He couldn't wait to use it on him.

"Sandy says should not be more than 3 days. Dark sand is very draining to spirit. It is exhausting like leech. Same will happen to you if you do not become strong. You have lost much energy and power from temporarily losing center. You will have to gain strength back." North lectured as he took his hat off.

"Ahh, you're right. When Tooth wakes up, she might be able to tell us what weaknesses Pitch and Entity have." Jack looked out towards the trees as night began to fall.

Entity studied Jack and North. He could tell Jack was drained. He couldn't help but wonder why these two morons were out in the open like this. He knew they had no idea he was there but despite his knowledge of their ignorance, something felt wrong. Entity decided to move closer to Jack and North. He climbed a tree and decided to lay along a branch that overshadowed them. Suddenly Shadow Summon peaked out from behind a leaf and snuggled up to Entity. Shadow was in his Fearling form and almost spooked Entity. He grabbed Shadow like a kitten and pulled him up to his face and snarled. Before he had a chance to scorn Shadow, he thought of a plan...or perhaps a trick.

He smirked at Shadow then playfully dropped him on North's head. Quickly, Shadow took the form of North's hat. North furrowed his eyebrows then turned around. Jack noticed this shift and looked back at North.

"What? You're not gonna leave me here, are ya?" Jack teased, thinking North put his hat back on.

North turned back around to Jack, "Leave you alone? Ahh-Jack, Jack, Jack...I know you may have abandonment issues-"

Jack suddenly furrowed his eyebrows and shifted his head, confused if he should be offended or not.

"-but I am big Russian dad and I will not abandon my son!" North was obviously proud of himself.

"That's very touching." Jack said dryly, "You seem to be 'hip with the kids' nowadays, huh?"

"It is important to understand what children are saying. It is duty as Guardian to speak their language." North nodded and Jack shook his head, smiling to himself.

"Right. So what's the deal then? You cold?"

"Jack, why do you ask these strange questions?"

"You put your hat back on...?"

"Oh, ho! Jack you are hilarious, my hat is right here." North pulled out his hat from his coat and held it out to Jack. Suddenly Jack's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly as his eyes shifted to North's head.

"North...don't do anything hasty..." Jack carefully spoke as he slowly grabbed on to his staff.

North's big blue eyes widened as well. The two Guardians went quiet. In the silence the skittering sound of Fearling Shadow became apparent. The two were still as statues. Jack didn't know it was Shadow, it just looked like any other fearling. As Jack stared at the fearling, North starred at Jack.

"North...remind me why we're out here..." Jack bit his lip.

"We are waiting for Bun-"

"North." Jack reasserted himself as he slowly got closer to the fearling. "Remind me why we are out here..."

North caught on to Jack's plan. Entity smiled as he laid on his stomach comfortably across the branch above the two. Jack stayed determined.

"We are enjoying calm, quiet, happy little Burgess park," North spoke as normal as he could, "with no one around to bother us on cool autumn day."

When all felt calm, Jack sprung off the park bench and launched himself at the fearling. He grabbed at the thing, but the fearling purposely phased through Jack's grasp. Jack recovered by rolling on the ground, then quick-turning to shoot frost from his staff. Before he shot, he lost confidence in his ability to shoot without hitting North. Meanwhile North tried to shake off the fearling by running around and calling out famous Russian composers.

Meanwhile Entity tried desperately not to laugh. He didn't expect this Russian bull to be so entertaining. He bit down hard on his hand, leaving a dark indent in his skin as he calmed himself down. During his Dark!Tooth trauma, he learned that simple pain ironically calmed him down. It slowed down his thinking and helped him gain control of his thoughts. He closed his eyes for a moment and regained composure. He reminded himself why he was study Jack's abilities.

"North! Agh-will you...stop moving!" Jack tried to aim. He figured this is how Sandy must've felt when he tried to throw the dreamsand ball at Jamie's dog, Abbey.

Before Jack could bark another command, North tried to grab at the fearling to no avail. The fearling kept phasing through his grasp. Jack grew frustrated from North's persistence. He quickly ran up to North and shot a quick-freeze cloud at his grabbing hands. Suddenly North's hands seem to slow to a crawl. His hands were so cold that he couldn't use his hand's range of motion. Jack used the bench as a springboard yet again and launched himself at North. He pushed North's hands down with his free hand as he whacked the fearling off his head with his staff. Jack's momentum continued and flew past North. As Jack hit the ground awkwardly, his staff bounced and hit a nearby tree. Suddenly there was a spark of light and frost that shot up the tree and a small trail of smoke spiraled from the top of the staff.

Entity's eyes widened at the sight of the staff. He noticed there was almost a frost-burned tendril that scarred up part of the trunk of the tree.

He mumbled to himself, "Frost and electricity, huh? Interesting...he's his own snowstorm cloud...I guess he's got more than one reason to dislike water..."

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