Chapter 1

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Butters POV:

"Huh?" I woke up from my sleep. That was a weird dream. I can't remember it though. Eh. They're the least of my worries for now. I have to focus on school. It's starting today, anyway. I quickly shower and toothbrush; skipping breakfast. I'll eat later. I put on my clothes, some jeans and a navy blue sweater, and head out the door with my backpack. Today's just gonna be a wonderful day, I know it!

Kenny's POV:

I wake up and stretch my worn out arms. Today's school. Ugh. At least I get to go somewhere and get away from this place. I put on my shirt, pants, and same old jacket. I grab my probably clean enough backpack, and go outside. I hope Karen and Kevin stay safe. Cause I'm not gonna be here for a while.

3rd Person POV:

Kenny and Butters arrive at the bus stop, standing near Kyle and Stan, chatting about their break while Cartman whines about school. They almost don't even acknowledge their presence. Butters speaks up. "Hey, Ken, how was your break?" Kenny sighs. "Just fine. Nothing exciting." Butters frowns. "Yeah, same here. All I did was draw and stuff." He looked at Kenny, smiling again. "Well, at least some interesting things happen at school." Kenny looked down at him and smiled. "Yeah."

Kenny's POV:

Butters is so goddamn cute. His smile just.. radiates happiness. It's so contagious. His eyes are shining. I just want to stay by his side, always there for him, hugging him and letting the moment last on and on— oh. The bus is here. I go up the stairs and sit in a seat alone. I stare at Butters; he doesn't even know I am. He's so innocent and cute and beautiful— I need to stop myself. I'm saying too much.

Kyle's POV:

Kenny is staring at Butters. I can't read his eyes, but it looks like he's interested in him. He looked away. He must like him, no doubt. "Kyle?" Stan looks at me, his face worried. "Hm?" I look back at my best friend. "Kyle, are you okay?" He asks. "Yup." "Oh, uh, okay." He replies back. I wonder what he's thinking about right now. Hm.

Stan's POV:

I saw Kyle looking at Kenny. He does that to everyone too, yeah, but he's looking at him really intensely. Like he's trying to figure out something. Does he like Kenny? Who is Kenny looking at? I tap Kyle on the shoulder a few times. He's not looking at me. "Kyle?" He looks at me, driven away from his thoughts. "Hm?" "Kyle, are you ok?" I ask, kind of worried and kind of not. "Yup." He looks out the window of the moving vehicle and blushes. "Oh, uh, okay." Did I just catch him staring? Was he staring at him instead of analyzing him? Did he like Kenny? My thoughts swirl around my brain until the bus stops and we all get off. No way he could. Or could he?

3rd Person POV:

All of the high schoolers got off the bus, some nervous, some happy, some quiet and lost in thought. They all gathered into noticeable groups, preferring to talk to friends rather than awkwardly make small talk. Some kids didn't really have a group, like Butters. Some didn't even talk, like Kenny. Butters was near enough to Kenny and his friends that he wouldn't be bothered by anyone else, but he was far enough that no one from the group would talk to him. Until Cartman noticed the smaller boy and walked over. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Cartman tried to intimidate him, even though he was probably only one inch taller than Butters. "O-oh, hey Eric. I'm not here to hurt anyone, but if you don't want me to talk to anyone, I won't." Butters looked away and fidgeted. Cartman pinned him to the wall, forcing the weaker boy to look at him. "I know. But if you don't get your weak pussy ass out of here, I'm gonna beat you harder than your parents ground you." Butters looked up at Cartman, wondering if he would actually do that. "Ok, E-Eric, just.. don't hurt me please." Cartman let go of Butters and he walked back to the group, looking back at Butters scampering off to the bathroom to hide. Kenny glared at him disapprovingly. "Dude, what was that for? He wasn't doing anything." Cartman rolled his eyes. "He was annoying me." "By doing nothing?" Cartman laughed it off. "By existing." The bell rang, leaving the boys to go to their separate ways.

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