Chapter 4

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Kenny's POV:

I could totally beat him in a fight. I've been in some before, and he has too. Except he lost most of them. I don't know what makes him think he can win against me, but I'll make sure I win. For Butters. I can't let him hurt Butters. I have to protect him with all my life... I can't lose him. If I lose.. I can't imagine what things Cartman will do to him. I can't let that happen. The next bell rings and I have to get to class. I get up, look at Butters one last time, and then leave for my next class.

I enter, and sit down. Cartman isn't in this class, so that's good. I can't look at him right now. I don't think I'll ever look at him again. The class is reading some passages in a boring book, but I'm not focused. I can't get Butters out of my head. He's always there, whether I try to push him away or not. I'm daydreaming again, until the teacher calls on me. "Kenny, what happens to Sage and Charles after they find the bluebird?" I was half paying attention, so I answered correctly. "They get ambushed and the bluebird follows them." The teacher sighs in defeat. "Ok, read the next 4 passages and then answer the questions on the paper.." I don't even take a glance at the book. I can read it while I'm answering the questions. I drift off to sleep, thinking about that small blonde-haired boy..

Stan's POV:

I stare at the math in front of me. It's all muddled up, and if I try to make sense of it, I just end up with more questions. I steal glances at Kyle, ignoring the test. I should really do it though. Then I can do whatever after that. I mostly guess on the questions I don't know, which is surprisingly very little. I finish up the test, turn it in, and take out a book. I continue looking at Kyle, the way his phoenix colored curls falls into his shimmering emerald eyes, small freckles placed perfectly on his crystal clear skin. I've been looking at him for so long, that I've read the same paragraph about twenty times. He catches me staring, and I blush, trying to hide it in the pages of my book. I start reading again. Oh god, there's a sex scene in it. I continue reading, nonetheless. I imagine what would happen if me and Kyle were doing that. Kyle, screaming out my name, begging me for more. I'm thrusting into him, both of us a moaning mess. He moans loud and hard, I'm slamming into him, and we both— wh.. what am I thinking? I need to stop, it's getting out of hand. I try not to think about Kyle, and of course, it says at the back of my head stubbornly.

Kyles POV:
My hand would probably cramp up if I didn't stop writing so fast, but I give it a break every once in a while. Math is really easy for me, so I don't even have to put effort in it or anything. I'm not bragging, just.. saying. I finish up my test, turn it in, and sit back. Is Stan done? He sucks at math, so if he's done, that means it was really easy for him or he just guessed. I look behind my shoulder, and Stan is staring back at me. He looks away, burying himself into his book. He then looks surprised. He keeps reading. It looks like he's daydreaming. He's blushing. He's blushing hard. I wonder what he's dreaming of. What if it was something about me? Oh god. If he was dreaming about me while blushing, then that means.. does he like me too?!?! I have to come up with a plan. I can't bottle up my feelings like this. It's just going to hurt me if I do. I'll talk to him at lunch. It's just after this class anyway.

~~~~~~~~~~ Timeskip to lunch~~~~~~~~

Kyle's POV:

I'm so nervous. What if he says no? What will all this work be for if he rejects me? I have to make it sound like a question. One that could be taken seriously or jokingly. I sit down at the lunch table, and Stan soon sits down with his lunch, next to me like always. "Hey, Stan?" He looks up from his food. "Yeah?" I look him straight into his eyes. "Do you like anyone besides Wendy?" It looks like I struck something within him. "What do you mean..?" "Do you like someone that isn't Wendy?" He scratches his neck. "Yeah.." "Who?" I'm totally absorbed in what he has to say, to see who it is. Is it me? Is it someone else? "Craig." I freeze, like a computer that can't take the overload of information. I can feel the tears coming before I can stop them. "I-I'm gonna go to the bathroom, ok?" I rush off to the bathroom before Stan can say anything.

Stan's POV:

I see Kyle's eyes get glassy. He was actually confessing to me. Oh my god. I messed up so bad. Why did I lie?! I didn't need to.. but I wasn't sure. What if he didn't like me? Apparently he did. He runs to the bathroom. I have to tell him. I actually do like him. He probably thinks I don't, and that's all my fault. What if he doesn't accept my apology? What if.. we're not friends anymore?

Woo, 931 words—
I did it—

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