Chapter 2

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Butters POV:

I run to the bathroom, not caring that school didn't even start yet. I lock myself into a stall and pant. Why did he threaten me? What does he want from me? I check my phone. There's a text from Kenny.

KennyMcCoolGuy: U ok?
Me: Yeah, just fine
KennyMcCoolGuy: Just wanted to check on u
Me: It's ok
KennyMcCoolGuy: If u need me to deal with him, I will, k?
Me: Ok, thnx!
KennyMcCoolGuy: Np

I look down at my phone and smile. He's so sweet, doing all these things for me. The bell rings. Just great. I'll talk to him later, I guess.

Cartman's POV:

I sit down in my desk and wait for the stupid class to start. Mr Garrison goes up to the smart board and curses at 'Damned Technology' until the stupid rat Jew has to help the boomer (or manipulate him into liking him). The class goes by pretty fast, probably because I'm ignoring his old ass speeches. Butters keeps raising his hand and brown nosing that goddamn teacher. He needs to shut up already. But there's a part of me that wants him to keep talking. To keep running his annoying little mouth. Shit, I'm starting to turn into a fag. I need to stop, it's getting weird.

~~Timeskip to study hall~~

Cartman's POV:

I keep thinking about Butters. I can't sit still. Damn. I actually am a fag. Well, half of the kids in school are, so I guess that makes me no different. Guess I can't say that now. I look up at Butters, that cute and wimpy little kid. I just want to touch his girly body, his eyes wide yet enjoying every moment. I want to do things to him.. things that no one but I can do.. no one but me.. oh. Right. Stupid homework... I'll do it later. Right now is my time to shine.

3rd Person POV:

Cartman gets up and walks towards the door while the teacher that is supposed to be monitoring them is asleep. He goes into the bathroom and texts Butters.

Cartman: Hey Butters
Butters: Dude, what do you want from me
Cartman: I won't hurt you I promise just go to the bathroom right now
Butters: Why?
Butters: Ok, ok, fine. I'm coming..

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