Real Training

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Black Panther and I go into a room with nothing in it but a hard floor.
"Today I will teach you how to fight. I saw your performance at the sports festival. And you are fighting like a bruiser. Like All Might." He explains. "But you need to fight like a lightweight character in a game. Move-in and out quickly to deal damage to your opponent. Or with precise strikes."
"Yes sir" I respond.
"Now. What do you think a hero is?" He asks me.
"Somebody willing to do anything for people in danger or for what's right. And even if they die in battle that doesn't mean their legacy does." I explain.
"Hm. That's the best response I heard today." He responds. "Now let's fight. I won't hurt you though. Well maybe." He gets ready and squats a bit then starts circling me. I put my hands up and spread my legs.
'just like uncle Ben's stance when he was a boxer uh Pete.' I think to myself.
Black panther pounces but my Spider-sense tingles so I duck.
"See. Your movement is slick and agile. You force it to be rugged and tough like a boxer or All Might." Mr panther points out. "Let your style take over." He jumps at me again and I Dodge. He goes to hit me but I Dodge and I go to hit him but he dodges. We enter an endless cycle of neither of us hitting each other.
"Why can't I hit you?!" I ask.
"I know exactly where each of my limbs is. I have excellent spatial awareness." He says as he finally breaks the cycle and hits me. "Right. It's been a few hours. Let's go have dinner then Iron Man will take you students on a patrol. I get up after he slipped me off my feet. And head downstairs after saying my goodbye. And on my way I see Quicksilver speeding down the staircase and Captain Marvel just flying down the small gap. Followed by Scarlett Witch who is hovering down. she waves at me on her way.
I get down there and see a few more heroes who are here for their second time at least. Like this one dude who is kinda hairy and short. I think he Knows Quicksilver. When he said hi knives came out of his hand. Then he walked by me and he does not smell great.
I get in line and wait. And as soon as I get my dumplings Iron Man calls all the first years forward. I quickly eat one then head-on with the other three students that I've already met. 

"ok kiddos. we will be on patrol. although not in groups. we do this on our own but you have to meet back up every hour. AM I UNDERSTOOD?" He yells out. we all nod. " ok. meet me on the roof." he flies off to the roof. the girls race off after him and quicksilver runs after him. I don't wanna get web everywhere so I get in the elevator and make sure I have enough webbing to hold me over.  I get to the top and see everyone waiting.

"bout time." Marvel says.

"Please be quiet. you annoy me." I retort.

"Please, you don't scare me. I'm way stronger than you." she says flexing and arm.

"it's not about the quirk. it's how it's used." I look at Iron Man and nod to motion I'm ready.

"ok then. anyways. Scarlett witch go south. quicksilver go north." he sends them off. "Captain. go west. Spidey man. uh. east. be back in an hour or I'll find you and you'll be in trouble." He waves us off and as Captain Marvel flies off I swing off. 

Thirty minutes pass and I don't do much. Just swing around and check up on local news. hunting down a Villain is way harder than I thought.

"I should make a tracker for this occasion." just as I get that thought out a bank alarm rings and so I do what any other hero would do and swing around the corner. and I see a dude in a yellow outfit. [suit at the top]

"yes run from me. THE SHOCKER!" the dudes starts shooting shockwaves out of the gauntlets on his arms at the civilians.

'distract him parker.' I think to myself. "you sure it's not quilt man?" I taunt as I drop to the ground near him.

"no, you ignorant bug. it's-" I interrupt him.

"please quilt man don't hurt me." I say as I "cower" he steps up to me getting ready to use his quirk but I slip up his feet but he doesn't fall. he uses his quirk to catch himself. but this gives me a sense of his quirks power. the ground cracked under it. so it's moderate. but it looks like the gauntlets let him use his power so I just need to get those off.

I jump at him but he blasts me back. knocking me into a street pole. I shake it off and run at him dodging the blast.

'sucks I have to use the spider-sense manually. or this would be really easy.' I web his face and then rip off his gauntlets. but I still get knocked away.

"YOU THINK THAT EFFECTS ME? THEY ONLY HELP ME AIM!" He runs up and starts shooting the waves at me consistently at a high level. it even starts tearing my suit and cracking my lenses.

"can't. move." I mutter. It's getting harder to breathe as he gets closer. meaning that he excels at close combat. "but I can't let him win." I feel some blood run down my face. it might be from my eye socket. 
I slowly stand and walk towards him.

"STAY DOWN!" He yells. increasing the power. I still get close enough and pull back to punch then I let it go and it speeds through the waves and smashes into his face and slams him into the ground.

"that hurt. that special move is really neat." I say as I dizzily check his pulse. "good. he is breathing." I check the selfie camera on my phone and see some hair poking out of my mask and a lense broken with glass. I pick up the human quilt and head back to the tower. it takes longer than just me but I'm able to climb to the top and plop him in front of Iron Man. "I'm going to my room." I walk to the elevator and ride it down then walk to my room and peel off my mask.

"My face hurts." I walk into the bathroom and slowly pull out the shards of glass right under my eye.
After I get that done I lay down in bed getting close to dozing off until I hear a knock at my door. So I head over and open it to see Tony.
"Grab you- oh your still in your suit. Change out of it and bring it to the lab." He walks off. I listen and change out of it in the bathroom. During it I apply ointment on the burns I still have from the tournament. Get in shorts and a hoodie and head off to the lab.

A Hero Named Spider-Man (#2)Where stories live. Discover now