The Threat of Exams

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I wake up in the hospital with Tony and Captain America next to me.
"See he is still alive." Tony says to the Captain.
"You good kiddo?" He asks so I respond with a nod. "You should have called us. Electro is very dangerous."
"He is fine. Besides I'm sure he knows that because now he has a scar to remind him." Tony points at my chest. I look down and see a lightning bolt-shaped scar stretching from my midgut to my shoulder. I facepalm and feel my mask.
"Why do I have my mask on still?" I ask.
"Well, you came here in your mask so to respect you the hospital will let you leave with it." Cap explains. "It's a neat way to keep your identity on the down-low if you aren't not like Tony who doesn't care about it."
We talk for a little longer of what happened then we came to a conclusion.
"I hate to say it kiddo but you just might be too weak to be a hero who deals with villains." Tony says.
"Don't listen to him. If power was all that mattered I wouldn't be doing this. It's technique." Cap says. They eventually get called to go take care of something so after they leave I slip on a tee shirt from my bag they brought me and my pants and left. I eventually made it home and went straight to bed at midnight because the trains were shut down thanks to everything that happened. Neither Aunt May or Uncle Ben where up so I didn't bother anyone. Before falling asleep I check the news and see something about the hero killer Satin was beat by three U.A Students. It didn't say who but I already knew. Midoriya blew up my phone trying to tell me about it but I couldn't respond. So after dealing with that, I fell asleep.

I wake up and look around and eventually lock eyes with my clock. 6 A.M. not to bad. I slowly get up which still hurts. 

"that villain took a lot outta me." I think aloud as I get dressed. I walk out and don't see anyone. I find a note on the table saying that Uncle Ben was needed early and Aunt May wanted to hang out with Midoriya's mom. I shrug it off and make some cereal. after that, I start walking out but then I remember that exams are today so, I run back into the house and grab my suit and the new tech I got made and rush out. when I get to school I run into Sero. 

"Hey, dude." Sero greets. "heard you got beat by a villain dude. Are you good?" I feel my heart sink.

'they forget I beat a villain that killed my mentor but they hang that over my head?' I think to myself before responding. "Yeah I'm fine just took a hit to the head to a cooler Kaminari." I hear Kaminari get offended in the background.

"That's good to hear." Uaraka says walking over. "Most of us heard what happened on the news late last night and got scared."

"Yeah, it was weird. just brushing my teeth and next thing I know I hear your hero name." Sero says. after that Eraser head walks in and everyone sits down while waving at me. minus Bakugo.

"nice to see you breathing Parker." Mr. Aizawa says

"it's nice to be breathing." I say rubbing my shoulder. we go through a little talk about our internships then he brings up what I was scared of.

"now. about the final exams. we will pair each of you up and fight a teacher." Mr. Aizawa gets cut off before he can finish so he uses his quirk to calm us down. "stop freaking out. we will have handicaps to weaken us so, you guys stand a chance." he was right it calmed down the class. but first, we were forced to the written exam. which was weirdly easy then we were herded outside and split into groups. except me. they just told me to wait and watch the other matches.

first was Kirishima and the sugar dude vs Cementos I thought they would win because they just needed to get close. but each field for the test was different and they got put in a city so they were walled off until they couldn't push themselves so the lost.

second, it was Tsu and the edgie bird dude vs an armless clone maker? I didn't know the hero but Tsu and the bird dude were able to get through thanks to Tsu and her gross power with her stomach.

The third group was Lida and Mashiro vs the support tech teacher and this was a simple one they just kinda outran him.

fourth was Todoroki and Momo. and this was just fun. they had to out-think instead of out preform their enemy Eraser Head. it was just cool to see them win.

the fifth group was the stomach lazer kid and then Uaraka. they were losing but then something in Uaraka tripped and so she just ended it. Really quick. thirteen didn't stand a chance.

next was the sixth group Mina and Kaminari vs the principle and they lost. they couldn't win because he has a brain which the other two don't but as soon as I saw what he was in I knew his plan which, makes me wonder if our IQ is similar.

the seventh group was the quiet kid and the mean girl with earphone jack on her ear. they fought present mic and they won by covering him in bugs which is kinda lame but it worked.

group eight was the multi-arm dude with the invisible girl vs the gun dude. I forgot their names but it's ok because I went to the bathroom during this match.

group nine was Minita and Sero vs Midnight. and despite Sero being a cool dude he got knocked out right away but Minita was able to push through his horny side and beat midnight crazy enough.

group ten was Midoriya and Bakugo who went against All Might. Bakugo wanted to fight head-on until listened to Midoriya and tricked him letting them out. They were lucky but if anyone had to fight him again today I think All Might wouldn't hold back anything. after everyone is gathered up they explain what happens next.

"well good job everyone but we still have a student to take care of and we thought we would have some fun with this one." Nezu says. " all of will be tasked with getting a specail package to the end of the city you'll be placed in. and this package is. Peter." he looks at me with a creepy smile and some people groan. " And you all get to deal with a teacher with no handicaps." Nezu walks over to a wheel and spins it. 

"Just to be clear guys those of you who passed this will be counted as extra credit and for those of you who didn't. well if you aren't taped up or if you help Peter get to the end you will be considered a passing student for the final." Mr. Aizawa finish's explaining and the wheel stops. on. All. Might.

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