chapter six

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The past forty-eight hours had been riddled with searching for Stiles, sleepless nights, nightmares being plagued with vague conversations with Thalia and Laura Hale, being put in weird positions that were sure to happen in the future and of course, playing the game with the Nogitsune that was in the shape of Stiles.


Jordan Parish, a deputy that had only started working at the Beacon County Sheriff Department recently, looked up from his desk upon hearing the teenager's voice,
"Hi. How can I help you?"

"My Uncle was arrested" Rory told him pointing over at Chris Argent and Derek Hale,
"I'm here to keep him company until his bail his set"

"Okay" Parish nodded slowly, examining the girl, his eyes being drawn to the bandage that was wrapped around her right knuckles,
"I'll have to run it by the Sheriff"

"Right" Rory nodded slightly before pointing over at the bench,
"I'll be over there, chillin' like a villain"

Rory walked past Parish as he walked over to the Sheriff, and while she was going over to her father and uncle she heard her father say,
"I could easily get out of these, you know"

"So could I" Chris shot back bluntly, an annoyed look on his face,
"But I'm not interested in being a fugitive from the law"

"Well, I'm not interested in being a victim to a seventeen-year-old possessed by a psychotic fox" Derek said harshly.

"Just give me a few more minutes" Chris told him sharply only for Derek to ignore him with an eye roll and a shake of his head before tugging at the cuffs again,

"Fine" Derek sighed out before fixing the man with a look,
"If something happens, don't expect me to risk my life trying to save yourss"

"You're both pathetic" Rory told them both bluntly causing them both to look up at her,
"If anything were to happen, I'll be the one to save both of your asses - guaranteed"

"What happened to your knuckles?" Chris questioned the girl with a concerned frown.

"Nothing" Rory waved off before crouching down in front of them, her voice dropping so that no one could overhear what she was saying,
"There's a bomb somewhere"

"How do you know that?" Chris questioned in confusion.

"She's psychic" Derek informed him - the pair exchanged a look before looking back at Rory who shrugged slightly, not bothering to argue with the statement.

"Get down!"

Rory was quickly grabbed by Derek, one of his arms locking around her waist while the other rested on the top of her head, keeping her in his own shadow. Shrapnel from the bomb flew in every direction, Chris ducked down while glass embedded itself in Derek's back and scraped across Chris' arms.

The second that the explosion stopped Rory pulled herself out of Derek's arms and turned to look at him,

"I'm okay" Derek breathed out to her softly, his eyes trailing over her bleeding forehead, a place where a stray bit of glass had scraped.

"You..." Rory trailed off with a frown,
"Why did you do that?"

Derek just looked up at her, his green eyes conveying something that Rory could identify but it disappeared as quickly as it came,
"Get out of here"

Rory glanced over her shoulder to see Scott and Stiles standing amongst the rubble.

"Go" Derek insisted as he used his head to gesture at the pair.

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