chapter seven

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"Are you Aurora Argent?"

Rory spun around from her car to face a girl with deep brown eyes that struck a chord of recognition with the brunette causing her to frown gently,
"Yeah, I am... Do I know you?"

"I'm Malia"

It suddenly made sense to the witch, of course, it was Malia. Her face had been staring up at Rory from her sketchpad for the last few weeks with no discernable reason as to why.

"Stiles told me about you in Eichen" Malia informed the girl,
"Said you could help me. You and Scott McCall"

"Yeah" Rory nodded to her,
"I can definitely help you. Get in"

Malia slid into the passenger seat nonchalantly as Rory pulled out of the parking spot that she was in and drove to the McCall house where she was already heading to.

"How have you been?" Rory questioned the girl in curiosity,
"I mean, since being human again"

"It's strange" Malia informed her,
"I mean, I get cold easy and it's hard looking at my dad"

Rory glanced over at the werecoyote in curiosity for a moment before nodding,
"Right - the whole used to have a fur coat thing"

Malia was surprised for a moment, expecting that Rory would say something about her not being able to look at her dad due to what had happened that full moon night all those years ago, but a small smile twitched at her lips at the comment about her fur coat.

"Yeah" The girl nodded,
"It was easier to stay warm as a coyote"

Rory pulled into the McCall driveway and the pair jumped out of the car, walking into the house without knocking - a habit that Rory had picked up due to all the time that she'd spent at Scott's house,

"In here" Scott called back from the kitchen, turning to look at Rory and Malia when they entered,

"This is Malia" Rory informed him causing the boy to nod back,
"She has something for us"

A brunette girl was walking into the Sheriff's station, her car keys swinging back and forth on her finger as she stopped in front of the desk that Parrish was standing behind,

Parrish smiled back at the girl softly,
"Hello again, Aurora. They're being released right now"

"I know" Rory shrugged gently as she was joined by Derek and Chris.

Parrish was handing back the two men's belongings but hesitated when he got to the taser,
"Sorry, but I can't let you walk out with this. It's way above the legal voltage limit"

"I only use it for hunting"

Derek and Rory both glanced over at Chris with the same expression before they diverted their glances away; the werewolf went back to putting his wallet into his pocket and the witch began fiddling with her car keys.

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump-start a 747"

"Actually, you'd need-" Rory cut herself off under the glances that she received from her uncle and father, she glanced between the pair before looking back to Parrish, offering him a small smile before shrugging,
"Huh, nevermind"

"This property belongs to me and the charges were dropped" Chris told the younger man sternly,
"Although, I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that"

"I am" Noah announced, making his presence known to the group. He glanced at Parrish, dismissing him,
"I'll take care of this, Parrish"

"Sheriff, I'm not kidding" Parrish said as he turned to the man,
"This thing's a few watts from being a lightsaber"

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