chapter nine

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Melissa was sitting in front of Rory with an icepack in hand, holding it up against the girl's head where she'd impacted against the wall. There hadn't been any blood or open wounds, but there was already a very large bruise covering the left side of her temple and forehead.

Scott crouched down beside her and took her hand in his,
"You okay?"

"Oh, I'm perfect" Rory answered sarcastically as she watched black veins rush up Scott's arm and the pain that was plaguing her head seemingly disappeared.

Melissa pulled the icepack away from Rory's head and took the girl's chin between her thumb and pointer finger, tilting the girl's head upwards before pushing it off to the side, examining the bruise,
"It's not too bad. But you probably have a concussion so no sleeping and no driving"

Rory nodded gently before sighing slightly,


The elder Argent cousin looking up from her hands upon hearing her cousin's voice,
"Over here"

"Hey" Rory greeted as she approached the girl, a smile coming to her face,
"Finally graduating, huh?"

Allison chuckled slightly before nodding,
"Yeah. Have you?"

"Yeah, a while ago" Rory nodded back before picking up one of the silver bullets that were on the bench in front of them,
"It's uh, kind of weird, the whole bullet thing"

"You have silver bullets?" Allison asked her cousin in amusement.

"Oh hell no" Rory shook her head with a small laugh,
"I don't do the whole gun thing, remember? No, I made, throwing stars"

"Throwing stars, really?" Allison questioned with a grin.

"Yeah, really" Rory nodded with a grin,
"I don't do guns... You should make arrowheads"

Allison smiled before nodding,
"Yeah, I should"

Rory grinned and nodded back at her before Allison's smile dropped and she looked at her cousin seriously,
"I have to tell you something"

"Are you mad at me?"

Rory frowned in confusion as she glanced over at her cousin who was driving them to meet up with the rest of the pack,
"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I didn't tell you about-"

"Hey, you had your reasons" Rory cut the girl off with a shake of her head,
"Don't worry about it"

"I'm so sorry, Rory" Allison let out as they stopped at a red light causing Rory to let out a breath that sounded similar to a laugh.

"You know, I'm an only child" Rory informed her cousin nonchalantly,
"I've always been alone in one way or another, but now I have a family, a real one. I have two sisters, a brother, and a whole bunch of friends"

Allison looked over at the girl with soft, loving eyes as Rory continued,
"You are not my cousin"

Allison frowned, slightly hurt by her words only for the hurt to dissipate when Rory added,
"You are my sister"

Rory let out a small laugh as she focussed back on the road ahead of them,
"You and I, we have fought like cats and dogs all our lives. We've always been more like sisters than cousins or friends even. You were my first friend, my closest friend, my best friend and my sister all wrapped into one. So I pretty much feel like killing you most days, but I would kill for you, every day"

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