Chapter 3

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**Authors Note**

I've worked quiet hard on the next few chapters.

I'd sure like to hear your comments. I read and reply to all.

Thanks Echo


Chapter 3

I couldn't believe it. Finally we were one. My whole entire life had been leading right up to this moment. In this one moment I knew everything was going to fall right into place. My place with her as one. Has been Completed.

Her voice was like my own. They blended together as our voice echoed in our head our voices becoming one in the ending in one voice. One thought and one very being.

Her voice small yet very strong and potent. Each word sliding across silk coming through more beautiful than the last.

"Let us run kira"

Before I could even reply we were off. Sprinting away in the distance. Everything floating by us in a blur. The wind we both made in the process of running away wild. The feeling that was radiating all over me was like none of any other feelings, any emotions I've ever had the pleasure of feeling.

Her thoughts flowed into my own.

We were both one now we both said.

We snickered

Everything was still dark, fully empty. A gloomy immortal wicked world.

With Melanie I didn't have any fears, until we stopped.

We came to such a abrupt stop our paws kicked up dirt beneath our feet.

"Why have we stopped?"

"Why have we stopped" I screamed!

The air withholding an aroma, releasing it straight to my nose.

A fragrance, one of a kind.

I then sniffed the air heavily.

Mate, we both screamed.

We were not alone anymore. Not at all.

This smell was unlike any other.

Our hearts began to race, quickening by every second that we smell our mate.

The musty smell of woods and fruit. I wanted to run to it. Let this scent wash all over me.

Instantly my stomach turns.

"The lonely alpha"

The overwhelming feeling that I wouldn't have to find him.

He has found us.

"Kira, we have to go. Run! This is not the time to meet mate"

Melanie spoke as we already were stumbling over our own paws. Tumbling forward as we ran forward towards home.

I could still smell him. It has left me with tingles that went up and back down my spine. His smell was clouding my vision along with my thoughts. He is driving me crazy and I haven't even seen his eyes.

We would pick up speed just in time for him to do so too.

All I wanted to do was turn around, to the direction of his arms.

I was still confused why couldn't we be with him.

Melanie kept saying

" No kira do not smell him!"

"Its not time, this is not our time " she would repeat.

Pushing our paws even more swiftly, we were flying. The fire, the freedom, the power that our feet possessed.

Even the alpha himself couldn't catch us. We were flying.

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