Chapter 13: Q-Time

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It wasn't long before everyone settled in and Haru was left with a damp haired, topless Baekhyun sitting on her bed. It wasn't like she had never seen him in the condition before, it was the fact that her boyfriend owned quite the admirable body and it had always pushed a blush up to her cheeks everytime she became aware of it.

"You know, babe, we haven't really talked in a while."

Haru turned her chair around to face him, leaving her unfinished work to save itself. "Yeah," she agreed. "We haven't."

Baekhyun looked serious, all his usual mischief gone in a second. He was bothered by something like the last time again when he apologized out of no where. Guilt was overbearing him once more as he stared into her. It broke her heart again.

"Come here?"

Haru stepped out of her chair and shifted on her bed, next to Baekhyun, her back on the headboard and her head rested on his shoulder, trying her best to ignore the fact that he had no shirt on. It was normal, at times for Baekhyun to sleep topless, but she didn't exactly sleep with him everyday.

"How've you been?"

Haru pulled his hand to her own, playing with his fingers to distract her eyes from his shoulders down as she told him what was going on recently.

"I submitted my movie script," she said slowly, "We're looking for a co-writer to help me revise it and possibly, or hopefully, a willing producer."

"How'd that go?"

Haru looked at him and sent him a short smile. "Still searching."

"What's the script about?"

"You know, the usual, crimes, thriller, action."

Baekhyun pointed at her laptop. "Is that what you were working on?"

Haru shook her head, "Nope. That one is different."

Baekhyun pulled one of her hands and engulfed it with his own, "What is it, then?"

"That one is, uh," Haru never really thought about how it would look like to Baekhyun. She was embarassed - sort of - because he was the inspiration for her manuscript, but she really wanted him to know what she'd been doing. "That's a novel?"

Turning to look at her, Baekhyun's interest perked up. "That's new," he said. "Thriller, again?"

Haru shook her head once more, the room feeling like the heater was turned on. "No, um," she paused. "Romance."

Haru didn't want to look at him. He would make sure she'll never forget it. His teasing were already expected for.

"Ooh," Baekhyun cooed, his mischief obviously back to where it belonged. "About me?"

Wriggling his eyebrows playfully earned him a pinch on his arm, which he reacted with an over-the-top reaction. "Oh, shut up," Haru rolled her eyes, her cheeks heating up by the second.

"It actually is," he laughed, his eyes squinting smaller as his cheeks pushed them up and his lips forming the usual rectangle. "God, I have a novel made about me!"

Haru turned to face her laughing boyfriend, realizing it had truly been a while since she last heard it, and since she had enjoyed a time spending with him. Granted, she was being teased, but she really loved him.

"Technically, its not you."

"Oh, come on, the protagonist's probably funny, talented, cute and a total bias wrecker. How is it not about me?"

"Honestly," she sighed, not wanting to admit how correct he was. "You and your bloating ego."

He laughed again, his hands still wrapping hers like glue. "Can I see it?"

"No," was her immediate answer. Before, she never minded him reading her works, and she even looked forward for his inputs and reviews - Baekhyun was a true artist in all sorts of ways. But as this was a novel, rare as it was on her curriculum vitae, and romance at that, the thought of him reading it was bringing out her inner embarassment and protectiveness.

"Aw, come on. I promise I won't laugh."

Haru looked at him suspiciously for a moment, before finally repeating her answer again.

"Please?" Baekhyun tried again, his hands wrapping both of hers and bringing them together, and his lips slightly grazing them as he pulled them closer to plead. "Please, please, pretty please?"

As she looked at him, she realized that admist the conversation about her novel, it slipped off her mind that he was practically half naked. The blush came back to Haru's cheek and she put her gaze elsewhere, distracting herself.

"...No," she said again.

It didn't seem to help the situation, her answer. Baekhyun just inched closer, knowing exactly why his girlfriend was as red as Hyuna's lipstick. He placed his hands on either sides of her as he slowly led her to the edge of her bed.


Haru felt the bed moving underneath her as he closed in, and before he could do anything else, she succumbed to his pled and said yes. "Fine. But don't laugh."

"Thanks, love," he said, grinning, before planting a kiss on her cheek. He got off the bed, and went to her laptop but he didn't stop there with his teasings. It didn't help either that he had no plans to put on a shirt.

"I don't know why you get so embarassed, you see me naked all the time."

This time, Haru was red from her hairline down.

"Byun Baekhyun!"

He laughed again, the sound of it just as melodious as his singing. "Relax, love, we're alone."

"With seven other people downstairs!"

"They won't hear us," he said, winking at her before clicking on the sign in button on her laptop. The screen changed from Haru and her mom on the lockscreen, to a selfie they'd taken together on a date. Something Baekhyun had originally set up and Haru never bothered (or wanted) to change.

"Besides," he said, as he started to read her manuscript from the top, scrolling up the many pages she'd written since a while back.

"Its not like we're doing anything."

"But, still-"

He wasn't finished.

"- yet."

That pillow on his head was the hardest one...



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