Zayn #6

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Okay so this is going to be a weird one.... It's going to be you telling stories about you, and Zayn but I'm just starting out with the " marks.

"Mommy will you tell us some stories about daddy?" Your five year old daughter grins widely. You smile brightly.

"What do you want to know love?"

"How did you meet daddy?" You son asks.

"I remember like it was just yesterday! This was when I was a big fan of daddy's band, One Direction, I bought tickets to daddy's concert. I had front row seats. I even remember the seat! A 12! Really close to daddy!...."

"Okay before we finish our last song I want to call one fan up to help us out!" Liam announces. I scream along with the other girls. "Here's how you get up here! Tweet me a picture of me doing this!" Liam makes a funny pose, and I quickly snap the picture open my twitter app, and send it to the boys.

"Okay! The winner is..." Harry says

"(Your Twitter Here/ Name)" You scream so loudly.  As I walked up to the stage I feel my knees start shaking. I was going to sing in front of thousands of people? Zayn grabs your hand and helps you up on the stage.

"You know the lyrics right love?" He whispers into my ear winking. I feel like I'm going pass out, or maybe die!  After the boys, and I finish singing Zayn kisses my cheek. He doesn't just kiss my cheek he lets his lips linger for a little bit. I smile, but the situation is all a bit weird!"

"Then daddy invited me to the dressing room, and we ended up kissing..." You tell the curious kids. Your son James makes a face after you say kissing.

"Mommy tell us another story!" Your daughter says.

"Yeah another one!" James says.

"OKay what do you guys want to know about?"

"Daddy's tattoo!" They both yelled looking at each other.

"Earlier Zayn texting me telling me he had a surprise for me....."

I was a bit nervous, but a bit excited, because Zayn is an unpredictable guy. One minute he's shy, and another he's crazy. I pace around my room wishint it was 5 p.m already. Zayn would then come home from his interview to see me. I hear a car speeding down the street so I rushed to the window, but it was only the neighbors car. Dissapointed I layed down on the couch, and fell asleep.  I woke up to check my phone, and it was 8 p.m! But Zayn was no where to be found. Panicked I called him, but he rejected my call after two rings! You sit down pouting. About ten minutes later I hear a thump from the kitchen. I grab an umbrella from the ground. I slowly walk into the kitchen clutching the umbrella for dear life.

"Woah! Put that thing down!" I jump.

"ZAYN!" I scream. I through the umbella down, and jump into his arms. I notice an ice pack over his chest. "Baby what happened to your chest?" He took his shirt off, and got down on one knee.

'(Your Name Here) Will you marry me?' it said in a fancy heart.

"I wanted to tattoo the happiest, or sadest day of my life." He gives an unsure smile. One hand is clasped over my mouth. I shake my head up, and down. I can't talk! All I can do is cry!"

"Why were you crying mommy?" Ashley asks.

"Because baby I was really happy! Sometimes people cry when their happy." She smiles.

"Another one!" James pouts.

"Once Zayn, and I were cuddling...."

"Good night princess...." Zayn whispers into my ear. I mumble something. I was almost asleep. I close my eyes when I hear a loud cracking noise. I scream loudly, and bury my head into Zayn's chest.

"What's wrong princess?" Another loud crack of thunder, and I whimper. "Wait are you scared of thunder?" You can't see him, but you can practicly feel him smirking. Another loud boom goes off, and I squeeze Zayn closer."

"Babe you forgot some key parts." Zayn says winking at the kids.

"Zayn let's keep this PG for the kids!" I yell covering the kids ears jokingly.

"No Katie! It's Vas Happenin'." Zayn kisses me, and sits down.

The End....

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