{.:.The Beginning of it All.:.}

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     On April 20, a young child was born. "Honey?" A blonde-haired asked her husband. "What should we name him?" "Hm...," the man replied. "What about Ingion?" "No, Masaru, we need something else...." the woman denied his suggestion. "How about—" Masaru got cut off by his wife. "Katsuki! I like that name. 'Katsuki Bakugou'. Perfect!" "Yeah.. Perfect.." Mr. Bakugou mumbled. "What was that?" Mrs. Bakugou was giving him such a glare.
"N-Nothing!" "That's what I thought."

A couple of years passed, and Katsuki is 3. He was in his bedroom, reading. His dad was outside.

   "Oh, hello Lori!" Masaru said to the approaching dragon.
     "Hello. There is no time for chit-chat, Massi. My time is running out. *cough* I want you to raise our child as your own," Lori said.
     "Wait, what? You're dying?!"
     "I believe so."
     "I will take very good care of our son." Masaru vowed.
"Good, good. His name... is... *cough* Kirish—" The female dropped to the ground, motionless.
"Lori... NO! LORI! PLEASE NO!!" The man yelled.
"What's all this noise about, Masaru?" His wife walked out from their tiny home.
"O-Oh! I just k-killed this here dragon, and her baby is with her. Since it's Katsuki's birthday, we can give him this baby dragon, not too far off from his age, it looks so," The husband lied.
"Oh, what a great idea! What've you named it?"
"Um.. oh yes. Eijirou Kirishima."
"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go give our son the gift he deserves!" Masaru was holding back tears, for his secret lover had just died.
"You're right! Let's go!"

Once they entered Bakugou's room, they saw a wondrous sight. Bakugou had manifested his quirk! "What do you want, mother, father?"
"Well, since it's your birthday, we got you a present!" The parents happily exclaimed.
"What? I didn't ask for anything, though!" Bakugou had a look of annoyance and surprise.
"It's waiting for you in the kitchen!" Masaru pointed out.

When Bakugou entered the kitchen, he saw a baby dragon, but it was big enough to ride (from his perspective)! "Whoa!!" The small boy was amazed. "It's so cool~! Is this it? Is this it? Is this it? Is this it?"
     "Yep!" Mitsuki (Mom) said, proudly.
     "You will be my pet, from here on out, uhhh..... What's his name?"
     "Eijirou Kirishima," Masaru explained.
     "Okay.. that's a hard name. I'll just call you 'Red'!" Bakugou was so excited. "Do you like that name, 'Red'?"
     The dragon just nodded.

This only took a day.... WOW! I'm proud of myself.

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