{.:.Their First Flight.:.}

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"Mother!! Can I ride him?" Bakugou looking as happy as ever (this is only around Kiri btw).
"Sure, sweetie!" His mother agreed.
"Don't call me that!" He yelled.
"Excuse me young man?"
"O-Okay, Mother. Th-Thank you, Mother."
"Alright then. You go outside and go ride him." She told him.

"Alrighty then...," Bakugou was confused on how this works.
"Just.. get on my neck," the dragon spoke.
"Wow! You can talk?"
"Yep!" The dragon was happy about his new friend.
"Yay!!" The boy started singing, "I have a dragon friend, I have a dragon friend! Hehehe!"
The boy climbed up onto the (in his perspective) large dragon. "Whoa..."

Once they got in the air, the dragon had a couple of questions. "Hey, so, uh.. What's your name?"
"I'm Katsuki Bakugou. You can call me that if you like."
"But... I can call you Master, right?"
Bakugou started to blush a little. "W-Well, if you want, but I kinda prefer Katsuki.. or Bakugou..."
"Oh, okay."
There was a couple of minutes of silence. "So.. where do you wanna go?" Kirishima interrupted the silence.
"Um.. how about the shops?"
"We don't have money?"
"Oh yeah.. MOTHER~!" The child was surprisingly loud. That hurt Eijirou's ears, so he whimpered. "Are you okay, Red?"
"Y-Yeah... Just.. please don't yell like that again.. it hurt my ears."
"WHAT DO YOU WANT, BRAT?!" His mother yelled from the kitchen.
"Money for the shops!" Bakugou made sure not to be as loud that time.
"Sure!" His father was happy to have a reason to go back outside. "Here you go..." the man said as he struggled to give his child the tokens.
"Thanks, Dad!" "Thank you, sir!" The child and dragon said at the same time, giggling as they flew to the shops in Todoroki's kingdom.
"You're very welcome, children!" Masaru's voice became faint, for they were already halfway there.

    "Red, what all can you do?" The blonde-haired child asked his dragon.
   "Uhh.. I can spit fire, I can talk, and—"
   "Ooo! Can you spit fire for me, please please please~?"
   "Oh, alright." The dragon said, burping out fire as if it were nothing .
   "Whoa!" The boy was amazed. "Wait—what else can you do?"
   "Huh? Oh yeah, I can turn into a human."
   "Cool! Wait, you'll need clothes. I'll buy some when we go to the shops."
    "Okay! Can I see what you wanna get before you pay, though?"

    A couple of minutes later, they reached the shops. "Hey.. uh.. you can come with me. Just stay away from the shopkeepers, please.. you might frighten them." And so the dragon listened. He stayed low, and behind Katsuki.
     When they approached the clothing store, the shopkeeper saw the short boy. "Hello there, young ma— AAAAAHHH!!!!" He had seen Kirishima.
     "Don't worry, I don't bite... unless Bakugou says to." The red dragon said, having the brightest smile ever.
     "O-Oh, okay... Anyways, what can I get you today?"
     "I want some clothes. Gimme it now!! I'll pay you one Garril for two outfits, MINE AND KIRI'S PICK!" Kirishima whined again. "Oh, sorry, buddy..."
     "O-Okay..." the shopkeeper was more frightened by the toddler than the dragon!

     "Uh.. How about these, Red?" Katsuki kindly asked his pet.
     "They're perfect!" He exclaimed.

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