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Los Angeles, California

It has been 2 weeks since Taeyong had arrived in Los Angeles. He only had to be there for about two more weeks and then he was going back home.

Currently Taeyong was getting ready for the photo shoot. Byeongkwan was doing his make up and they were talking with each other.

While in the middle of talking Jaehyun walked into the room and greeted byeongkwan.

"Taeyong hyung are you guys almost done? I want to talk to you."

"I'm almost done. Give me 10 more minutes."


Jaehyun got up and sat on the couch that was in the room. He went to his camera app and secretly took a picture of Taeyong. After a while of waiting byeongkwan finished Taeyong's make up.

He left the room, while Taeyong got up and sat next to Jaehyun.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"About me. Last time you trusted me with things from your past and now I want to tell you things about my past that no one knows."

Taeyong was surprised, but glad at the same time because Jaehyun trusted him enough to tell him about his past. He smiled at him.

"Okay go ahead."

"Okay, so when I was little my parents had a one night stand and then my mom got pregnant with me. She apparently told my "dad" that she was pregnant, but he claimed that I wasn't his child. My mom gave birth to me, but not before thinking of aborting me. At the end she didn't abort me, but she gave me off for adoption. She walked to a rich neighborhood and there she set me at the front steps of a house and left me there. The owners of the house opened the door and saw me there in a baby chair with my legal papers, but only my name was there, she had erased or torn any information about her and my dad off of the papers. The only note she had left was one explaining what had happened for me to read when I was younger. The owners of the house took me in and raised me as their own child. Apparently they couldn't have any children and they had been praying for one, yes praying for one. They are super religious people. They raised me as their only child, until they adopted my younger sibling. I was taught everything about God and in the Bible. During my teenage years I started questioning my sexually. There was a boy in one of my classes that I use to like, he was very sweet with everyone and cute overall. Me and him started talking with each other, but I was still closeted and he was out. I had some friends who introduced me to drugs and alcohol. At first I only smoked cigarettes, but then it got worse and I started doing marijuana and drinking more often. My parents found out and my dad hit me with the belt that day. He hit until my back started bleeding. He said that he loved me, but that he had to show me discipline. Although my dad hit me that day, I didn't stop. In fact I just started doing it more often, but this time I started hooking up with girls. I started hooking up with them, because I had found out my dad had an affair with his secretary from work. While he was out "working" my mom was taking care of things at our house, but he wasn't working instead he was fucking his secretary. I found out because I walked into him and his secretary one day while at work. After that day I started dating a girl that liked me and started cheating on her with other people. I did this to show my dad an example of what he was doing to my mom. I know the girl I was dating for very hurt and that nothing was her fault and that she was hurt for no reason, but back then I didn't know any better. I got tired of girls and moved on to guys. I came out to my parents after I had a stable job and I had already graduated from college. I had majored in International Business and Company Management my parents were proud of me, but their proudness was short lived. I came out to them two weeks later and they didn't take it well. Mostly my dad. They kicked me out and I was livid for it. I got into modeling after my dad fired me. If it wouldn't have been for modeling and acting I don't know what I would be doing right now. Even though I was mad at my parents I was also hurt, I only wanted their acceptance instead I got their hatred. This happened about two years ago, but until this day I wish they could've been there when I won my first Oscar or other moments like that. Instead I was left alone to suffer with my addiction to Marijuana and alcohol. I stopped because one day I almost died in a car crash and I saw my little brother beside my bed crying at the hospital. He thought I was dead, after that though I never saw him again because my parents don't want my gayness rubbing off on him or whatever they said. I'm not even gay, I'm bi for fucks sake. I know my life hasn't been as half as hard as yours, but I just wanted to tell it to someone."

"I'm happy you trusted me enough to tell me this. Never say you haven't suffered because you have. We just have to stay a bit stronger during that period life is being a bitch."

"Thank you for listening to me."

"Of course anytime."

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