"Stop being such a tease!" - Mileven

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El- 18

Mike- 19

Fluffy  / Spice

"Mike!" El laughed. "Put me down!" Mike was in his room spinning El in the air like he just got a new puppy.
"Never!" He smirked, tossing El on his bed. "You're mine!" He started tickling her, making her laugh uncontrollably.

El was laughing non stop, until she was silenced by Mike placing his lips on hers. She smiled into the kiss and opened her mouth, letting his tongue slip in. A moan escaped from her lips as she felt Mike move his kisses to her neck. She started tugging at Mike's shirt for him to pull it off, which he did, only to go back into the kiss.

"Mmm." She moaned. She felt like Mike was going too slow for her current needs. She wanted him to stick his dick inside her and pound her senseless.

Mike moved his lips to her chest that was exposed from her low cut shirt. "Should I keep going?"
"Yes, please." El begged, clenching her thighs at the feeling that was growing down their. "Fuck." She could feel her whole body heating up just from being near Mike.

Mike started moving down her stomach, leaving marks as he trails down and gets in between her thighs. He kissed in between her thighs, only making her want to close them. Mike held them open as he spoke in between her legs, "What do you want me to do?" He smirked.

"Stop being such a tease, Mike." El sighed, ready to start touching herself if Mike didn't make a move.
"I'm asking." He looked up at her. "Do you want me to... Use my mouth... Or my fingers?"
"Is both an option?" She asked. Mike shook his head yes, taking her high wasted shorts off, along with her underwear.

You could see her soaking wet pussy all ready for him. Mike felt a bulge in his pants as he lowered his head in between her legs once more. He started rubbing, earning a loud moan from El,making her throw her head back. "Ah, shit. That feels so fucking good."

Mike then stuck his tongue in her, making her gasp. He licked everywhere as his fingers played with her clit. "Mike, oh my god!" She screamed and grabbed his hair involuntarily, moving his head and controlling his movements. "I'm gonna cum!"
"Not yet." Mike said, pulling away. He started un buckling himself while El got in position... Her favorite; missionary. She liked it because she felt closer to Mike, and they both felt the most pleasure this way.
With no warning, Mike slid in, causing them to both moan at the same time.

"Shit, El." He groaned, "You're so tight." Mike's movements were slow, but he wanted so desperately.
"Mike..." She moaned, "Faster!"
And Mike did go faster. He whimpered at how amazing the pleasure was. Every movement Mike was making, El let out a moan.

The room was filled with moans and grunts and the sound of skin slapping against each other. Mike made a quick move and flipped them over, guiding El's hips up and down his dick as she grinded on him.
"I'm gonna cum!!" She screamed as she grabbed his shoulders to steady herself, digging her nails into his back.

El let her juices fall down Mike's dick as Mike continued to move her hips up and down his dick. Her vagina felt numb but so good at the same time. Mike then released, watching her boobs jump up and down in his face.
"Ah fuck." He moaned as he pulled El down for a sloppy kiss. "That was so good."
"I know right, I feel so good." El agreed as she cuddled up next to Mike.

Mike hugged her closer and played with her curly hair. "Again?" He asked.
She looked at him and smiled. "In a minute. I wanna keep hugging you."

They had about five more rounds of sex after that.

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